Member of the Board; Chair Executive Board Energy
Cyber-Resilient Architectures and Security (CRAS), Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI)
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Paul Hendrik Tiemann, Marvin Nebel-Wenner, Stefanie Holly, Emilie Frost and Astrid Nieße; Applied Energy; 2025
Ferenz, Stephan and Werth, Oliver and Nieße, Astrid; Electronic Communications of the EASST; February / 2025
Wolgast, Thomas and Nieße, Astrid; IEEE Access; 2024
Steinert, Alexandro and Ferenz, Stephan and Nieße, Astrid; ACM SIGENERGY Energy Informatics Review; October / 2024
Sager, Jens and Nieße, Astrid; Energy Informatics; 2024
Kuckertz, Patrick and Göpfert, Jan and Karras, Oliver and Neuroth, David and Schönau, Julian and Pueblas, Rodrigo and Ferenz, Stephan and Engel, Felix and Pflugradt, Noah and Weinand, Jann M. and Nieße, Astrid and Auer, Sören and Stolten, Detlef; Patterns; October / 2024
Emilie Frost and Julia Heiken and Martin Tröschel and Astrid Nieße; Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 3: ICAART; 2024
Amanda Wein, Alexandro Steinert, Jan Sören Schwarz, Laura Fuentes-Grau, Zhiyu Pan, Antonello Monti, Astrid Nieße; Juli / 2024
Wolgast, Thomas and Nieße, Astrid; Energy and AI; August / 2024
Ferenz, Stephan and Ahrens, Antje and Heiken, Julia and Jandrich, Annabelle and Nieße, Astrid and Seitz, Nicola; 1. NFDI4Energy Conference; February / 2024
Schrage, Rico and Tiemann, Paul Hendrik and Niesse, Astrid; SIGENERGY Energy Inform. Rev.; feb / 2023
R. Scharf, A. Biro, A. Nieße, A. Pehlken, L. Dawel, F. Cyris; Dezember / 2023
Wolgast, Thomas and Wenninghoff, Nils and Balduin, Stephan and Veith, Eric and Fraune, Bastian and Woltjen, Torben and Nieße, Astrid; SoftwareX; 04 / 2023
Werth, Oliver and Ferenz, Stephan and Niesse, Astrid and German, Reinhard and Huelck, Ludwig and Weinhardt, Christof and Vogel, Berthold; Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure; September / 2023
Malin Radtke, Stefanie Holly and Astrid Nieße; IDC 2023; September / 2023
Wolff, Torge and Nieße, Astrid; Energies; 08 / 2023
Amanda Wein, Jan Reinkensmeier, Anke Weidlich, Johan Lilliestam, Veit Hagenmeyer, Mascha Richter, Sören Auer, Astrid Nieße, Sebastian Lehnhoff; 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) - Connecting Communities (Vol. 1); September / 2023
Oliver Werth, Stephan Ferenz & Astrid Nieße; Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft; Dezember / 2023
Oliver Werth, Stephan Ferenz, Astrid Nieße; Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft; Dezember / 2023
Wein, Amanda and Reinkensmeier, Jan and Weidlich, Anke and Lilliestam, Johan and Hagenmeyer, Veit and Richter, Mascha and Auer, Sören and Nieße, Astrid and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten; September / 2023
Ferenz, Stephan and Nieße, Astrid; ing.grid; November / 2023
Ferenz, Stephan and Ofenloch, Annika and Penaherrera Vaca, Fernando and Wagner, Henrik and Werth, Oliver and Breitner, Michael H. and Engel, Bernd and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Nieße, Astrid; Energies; 2022
Brandt, Jonathan and Frost, Emilie and Ferenz, Stephan and Tiemann, Paul Hendrik and Bensmann, Astrid and Hanke-Rauschenbach, Richard and Nieße, Astrid; Energy Informatics; 2022
Bozionek, Jan and Wolgast, Thomas and Nieße, Astrid; Energy Informatics; 2022
Alexandra Pehlken, Henriette Garmatter, Lisa Dawel, Fabian Cyris, Hendrik Beck, Fenja Schwark, Roland Scharf, Astrid Nieße; ICE IEEE; 2022
Boll, S., Schnell, M., Dowling, M., Faisst, W., Mordvinova, O, Pflaum, A., Rabe, M., Veith, E., Niesse, A., Gülpen, C., Terzidis, O., Riss, U., Eckerle, C., Manthey, S., Pehlken, A., Zielinski, O.; Februar / 2022
Nieße, Astrid and Ferenz, Stephan and Auer, Sören and Dähling, Stefan and Decker, Stefan and Dorfner, Johannes and German, Reinhard and Gütlein, Moritz and Hagenmeyer, Veit and Henni, Sarah and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Lilliestam, Johan and Lu, Linna and Mey, Franziska and Monti, Antonello and Muschner, Christoph and Reinkensmeier, Jan and Richter, Mascha and Schäfer, Mirko and Staudt, Philipp and Süß, Wolfgang and Vogel, Berthold and Weinhardt, Christof and Weidlich, Anke and Zilles, Julia; July / 2022
Tiemann, Paul Hendrik and Nebel-Wenner, Marvin and Holly, Stefanie and Frost, Emilie and Jimenez Martinez, Adrian and Nieße, Astrid; Energy Informatics; 2022
Wolgast, Thomas and Ferenz, Stephan and Nieße, Astrid; IEEE Access; 01 / 2022
Werth, Oliver; Ferenz, Stephan; Nieße, Astrid; Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 Proceedings; 02 / 2022
Buchholz, Sebastian and Tiemann, Paul Hendrik and Wolgast, Thomas and Scheunert, Alexandra and Gerlach, Jana and Majumdar, Neelotpal and Breitner, Michael and Hofmann, Lutz and Nieße, Astrid and Weyer, Harmut; Energy Informatics and Electro Mobility ICT; 2021
Tiemann, Paul Hendrik and Nieße, Astrid; Energy Informatics and Electro Mobility ICT; 2021
Divshali, Poria Hasanpor and Mäki, Kari and Evens, Corentin and Papadimitriou, Christina and Efthymiou, Venizelos and Nieße, Astrid and Holly, Stefanie and Marinelli, Mattia and Gabderakhmanova, Tatiana and Meléndez, Joaquim and others; 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe; 2021
Fernando Peñaherrera V., Henrik Wagner, Sarah Fayed, Oliver Werth, Stephan Ferenz, Jana Gerlach, Tobias Lege, Annika Ofenloch, Thomas Poppinga, Catharina Siemer, Michael Breitner, Bernd Engel, Lars Kühl, Sebastian Lehnhoff1, Astrid Nieße, Johannes Rolink, Sven Rosinger, and Frank Schuldt; Energy Informatics and Electro Mobility ICT; 2021
Holly, Stefanie and Nieße, Astrid; IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2021); 2021
Stefanie Holly and Astrid Nieße; 2021 16th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (IEEE FedCSIS); 2021
Alexandra Pehlken, Patrick Eschemann, Henriette Garmatter, Fabian Cyris, Astrid Nieße; INFORMATIK 2021 - Computer Science & Sustainability; 09 / 2021
Holly, Stefanie AND Nieße, Astrid; INFORMATIK 2020; 2021
Jonas Wussow, Davood Babazadeh, Vanessa Beutel, Sebastian Buchholz, Stefan Geissendoerfer, Jana Gerlach, Neelopal Majumdar, Karsten von Maydell, Anand Narayan, Melanie Hoffmann, Lily Kahl, Thomas Leveringhaus, Marc Rene Lotz, Alex Scheunert, ra, Payam Teimourzadeh Baboli, Paul Hendrik Tiemann, Nils Huxoll, Oliver Werth, Carsten Agert, Michael H. Breitner, Bernd Engel, Lutz Hofmann, Martin Koenemund, Michael Kurrat, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Astrid Niesse, Hartmut Weyer; ETG Congress 2021; 3 / 2021
Wolgast, Thomas and Veith, Eric M. S. P. and Nieße, Astrid; Energy Informatics; 2021
Wolgast, Thomas and Veith, Eric M. S. P. and Nieße, Astrid; Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems; 2021
Ferenz, Stephan and Penaherrera Vaca, Fernando Andres and Wagner, Henrik and Eckhoff, Sarah and Fayed, Sarah and Lege, Tobias and Ofenloch, Annika and Petznik, Jan and Poppinga, Thomas and Werth, Oliver and Breitner, Michael and Engel, Bernd and Kühl, Lars and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Nieße, Astrid and Rolink, Johannes and Schuldt, Frank; August / 2021
Veith, Eric MSP and Balduin, Stephan and Wenninghoff, Nils and Tröschel, Martin and Fischer, Lars and Nieße, Astrid and Wolgast, Thomas and Sethmann, Richard and Fraune, Bastian and Woltjen, Torben; CYBER 2020, The Fifth International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems; October / 2020
Neugebauer, Thorben and Wolgast, Thomas and Nieße, Astrid; Energies; 2020
Stefanie Holly, Astrid Nieße, Martin Tröschel, Lasse Hammer, Christoph Franzius, Viktor Dmitriyev, Johannes Dorfner, Eric MSP Veith, Christine Harnischmacher, Maike Greve, Kristin Masuch, Lutz Kolbe, Boris Wulff & Julian Kretz ; Oct / 2020
Eric M.S.P. Veith, Lars Fischer, Martin Tröschel, Astrid Nieße; International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Control; December / 2019
Steinbrink, Cornelius and Blank-Babazadeh, Marita and El-Ama, André and Holly, Stefanie and Lüers, Bengt and Nebel-Wenner, Marvin and Ramírez Acosta, Rebeca P. and Raub, Thomas and Schwarz, Jan Sören and Stark, Sanja and Nieße, Astrid and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Applied Sciences; 2019
Marvin Nebel-Wenner,Christian Reinhold,Farina Wille,Astrid Nieße,Michael Sonnenschein; Energy Informatics; September / 2019
Stephan Balduin, Frauke Oest, Marita Blank-Babazadeh, Astrid Nieße, Sebastian Lehnhoff; Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; 9 / 2019
Schwarz, Jan Sören and Witt, Tobias and Nieße, Astrid and Geldermann, Jutta and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Sonnenschein, Michael; Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems; 2019
Wolgast, Thomas and Nieße, Astrid; Energy Informatics; 2019
Marita Blank, Christoph Blaufuß, Markus Glötzel, Julien Minnemann, Marvin Nebel-Wenner, Astrid Nieße, FrankPothen, Christian Reinhold, Jan Sören Schwarz, Katharina Stahlecker, Farina Wille, TobiasWitt, Frank Eggert, Bernd Engel, Jutta Geldermann, Lutz Hofmann, Michael Hübler, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Niko Paech, Michael Sonnenschein; Juni / 2019
Nieße, Astrid and Ihle, Norman and Balduin, Stephan and Postina, Matthias and Tröschel, Martin and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Energy Informatics; Oct / 2018
Jan Sören Schwarz, Tobias Witt, Astrid Nieße, Jutta Geldermann, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Michael Sonnenschein; Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems; April / 2017
Nieße, Astrid and Tröschel, Martin; Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE); 2016
Nieße, Astrid and Sonnenschein, Michael and Hinrichs, Christian and Bremer, Jörg; Proceedings of the 2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; 9 / 2016
Marita Blank, Christoph Blaufuß, Markus Glötzel, Julien Minnemann, Astrid Nieße, Frank Pothen, Christian Reinhold, Jan Sören Schwarz, Katharina Stahlecker, Farina Wille, Tobias Witt, Torsten Rendel, Frank Eggert, Bernd Engel, Jutta Geldermann, Lutz Hofmann, Michael Hübler, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Niko Paech, Michael Sonnenschein; 12 / 2016
Nieße, Astrid and Sonnenschein, Michael; Informatik 2015; 9 / 2015
Blank, Marita and Gandor, Malin and Niesse, Astrid and Scherfke, Stefan and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Sonnenschein, Michael; 5th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG2015); 5 / 2015
Marita Blank, Timo Breithaupt, Jörg Bremer, Arne Dammasch, Steffen Garske, Thole Klingenberg, Stefanie Koch, Ontje Lünsdorf, Astrid Nieße, Stefan Scherfke, Lutz Hofmann and Michael Sonnenschein; 4 / 2015
Sonnenschein, Michael and Hinrichs, Christian and Nieße, Astrid and Vogel, Ute; 2015
Astrid Nieße; 4 / 2015
Astrid Nieße, Sebastian Beer, Jörg Bremer, Christian Hinrichs, Ontje Lünsdorf, Michael Sonnenschein; Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; 9 / 2014
Astrid Nieße, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Michael Sonnenschein, Martin Tröschel; VDE Kongress 2014; 10 / 2014
Nieße, Astrid and Tröschel, Martin and Sonnenschein, Michael; Environmental Modelling & Software; 2013
Wissing, Carsten and Tröschel, Martin and Nieße, Astrid; 8. Internationale Konferenz und Ausstellung zur Speicherung Erneuerbarer Energien; 11 / 2013
Schütte, Steffen and Rohlfs, Henning and Nieße, Astrid and Rohjans, Sebastian; 11 / 2013
Nieße, Astrid and Sonnenschein, Michael; Proceedings of the SMARTGREENS2013; 5 / 2013
Sonnenschein, M. and Appelrath, H.-J. and Hofmann, L. and Kurrat, M. and Lehnhoff, S. and Mayer, C. and Mertens, A. and Uslar, M. and Nieße, A. and Tröschel, M.; Tagungsband VDE-Kongress 2012; 11 / 2012
Nieße, Astrid and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Tröschel, Martin and Uslar, Mathias and Wissing, Carsten and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen and Sonnenschein, Michael ; Proceedings of IEEE COMPENG2012; 6 / 2012
Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias and Specht, Michael and Nieße, Astrid and Tröschel, Martin; International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources; 4 / 2012
Vornberger, Jan and Tröschel, Martin and Nieße, Astrid and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen; Proceedings of IRENEC 2011; 10 / 2011
Tröschel, Martin and Nieße, Astrid and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen; Tagungsband des 2. Statusseminars des FEN; 10 / 2011
Nieße, Astrid and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Tröschel, Martin and Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings; 10 / 2011
Tröschel, Martin and Scherfke, Stefan and Schütte, Steffen and Nieße, Astrid and Sonnenschein, Michael; 10 / 2011
Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen and Nieße, Astrid and Sonnenschein, Michael and Tröschel, Martin; 12 / 2010
Nieße, Astrid and Lünsdorf, Ontje and Mayer, Christoph and Scherfke, Stefan and Schütte, Steffen and Tröschel, Martin and Wissing, Carsten and Sonnenschein, Michael; 12 / 2010
Stefan Scherfke, Steffen Schütte, Martin Tröschel, Astrid Nieße, Carsten Wissing; Tagungsband des VDE-Kongress "Smart Cities" 2010; 11 / 2010
Bukvic-Schäfer, Aleksandra and Bülo, Thorsten and Degner, Thomas and Landau, Markus and Mayer, Christoph and Nieße, Astrid and Schlägl, Florian and Staschus, Konstantin and Tröschel, Martin and Weidelt, Tobias; Smart Grids and Mobility; 7 / 2009
Beer, Sebastian and Bischofs, Ludger and Pries, Christine and Uslar, Mathias and Nieße, Astrid and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen and Rohr, Matthias and Stadler, Michael; Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2009; 10 / 2009
Tröschel, Martin and Wissing, Carsten and Nieße, Astrid; Tagungsband zum 3. Statusseminar des FEN; 9 / 2009
Beenken, Petra and Busemann, Claas and Gonzalez, Jose and Kamenik, Jens and Mayer, Christoph and Nieße, Astrid and Rohjans, Sebastian and Specht, Michael and Uslar, Mathias and Weidelt, Tobias and Hein, Franz and Schmedes, Tanja and Schwarz, Karlheinz; 02 / 2009
Weidelt, Tobias and Nieße, Astrid and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen and Korte, Mario and Nebel, Wolfgang; Proccedings of the 3rd International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources; 12 / 2008
Nieße, Astrid and Tröschel, Martin and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen; Tagungsband zum 2. Statusseminar des FEN; 5 / 2008
Korte, Mario and Nieße, Astrid and Nebel, Wolfgang; Tagungsband zum 2. Statusseminar des FEN; 05 / 2008
Abfallverbrennungskessel 4.0 - Digitalisierung und ganzheitliche Betriebscharakterisierung von Dampferzeugern in Abfallverbrennungskraftwerken
Duration: 2020 - 2023
Dezentraler Redispatch (DEER): Schnittstellen für die Flexibilitätsbereitstellung
Duration: 2022 - 2025
Flexibilitätsmanagement und Regelenergiebereitstellung von Schwerlastfahrzeugen im Hafen (sorry - only available in German)
Duration: 2019 - 2024Duration: 2024 - 2025
National Research Data Infrastructure for the Interdisciplinary Energy System Research
Duration: 2023 - 2028
Resilienz im digitalisierten Stromsystem: Toolbox zur Bewertung von Systemdienstleistungsmärkten
Duration: 2022 - 2024
WärmewendeNordwest – Digitalisierung zur Umsetzung von Wärmewende- und Mehrwertanwendungen für Gebäude, Campus, Quartiere und Kommunen im Nordwesten
Duration: 2021 - 2025