Integrated care from a medical perspective means a cross-sectoral patient care involving hospitals, specialists, family doctors, rehabilitation and care services. This requires an intensive communication between all parties involved. From a technical perspective, a data and process integration on all levels is required, from the dynamic networking in the operating theatre to the connection of health professionals and the involvement of the patient in his or her own care. Standards like DICOM, HL7, ISO/IEEE 11073 SDC, and IHE play a central role here.
Automation and integration technologies are furthermore used to create assistive systems for the personal living environment that support people in retaining or restoring health and independence in their own personal living environment.
E-Mail: marco.eichelberg(at), Phone: +49 441 9722-147, Room: E46
Extremitätenboards zur Prozessoptimierung, Evaluation, Risikominimierung und Therapieoptimierung bei Frakturen mit Weichteilschäden oder post-operativer Infektion der unteren Extremitäten im Traumanetzwerk
Duration: 2022 - 2025Röhl, J.H. and Günther, U. and Hein, A. and Cauchi, B.; Frontiers in Robotics and AI; September / 2024
Nieto Agraz, Celia and Hinrichs, Pascal and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Int J of Soc Robotics; 2024
Eichelberg, Marco and Krahn, Tobias and Stiene, Stefan and Sung, Alexander and Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred and Steffen, Yvonne and Wirth, Lena Marie and Bley, Marion and Tigges, Franziska and Pesch, Ulrike and Nordmann, Kira and Reißner, Nadine and Zimmermann, Uwe and Sternitzke, Christian and Schulze-Althoff, Ulrich and Ernst, Marc and Glende, Sebastian and Meyer, Sibylle and Hein, Andreas; Roboter für Assistenzfunktionen. Konzeptstudien für die Interaktion in der Praxis; 2024
Xu, Tingyan and Wolters, Timo and Lotz, Johannes and Bisson, Tom and Kiehl, Tim-Rasmus and Flinner, Nadine and Zerbe, Norman and Eichelberg, Marco; Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 321: Collaboration across Disciplines for the Health of People, Animals and Ecosystems; 2024
Pedro Arizpe-Gómez and Kirsten Harms and Kathrin Janitzky and Karsten Witt and Andreas Hein; Biomedical Signal Processing and Control; 2024
Björn Holtze and Marc Rosenkranz and Martin Bleichner and Manuela Jaeger and Stefan Debener; Advances in Cognitive Psychology; 2023
Eichelberg, Marco; Assistive Technologien, technische Rehabilitation und Unterstützte Kommunikation bei neurologischen Erkrankungen; 2023
Patrick Elfert and Marco Eichelberg and Andreas Hein; Personennahe Dienstleistungen der Zukunft; 2023
Cletus Brauer and Petra Dinkelacker and Marco Eichelberg and Patrick Elfert and Manuela Ferdinand and Andreas Hein and Alexandra Kolozis and Philipp Kullmann and Linda Reinicke and Carsten Schultz and Sophia Zwiener; Personennahe Dienstleistungen der Zukunft; 2023
Kowalski, Christian and Gliesche, Pascal and Agraz, Celia Nieto and Hein, Andreas; Pflegeinnovationen in der Praxis: Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen aus dem „Cluster Zukunft der Pflege``; 2023