The cooperation between man and technology will continue to increase in future industrial systems. Automation continues to advance, and at the same time the role of humans in production is changing towards monitoring and control.
On the way there, many workstations will be equipped with more automation, with which interfaces must be interacted effectively. This includes robust and fault-tolerant perception of the environment and the people acting in it, flexible and safe robot control, fast and effective situational awareness, attention control, as well as predictive modelling, recognition and prediction of human activity.
The research goal of the group is to facilitate this close cooperation between humans and robots.
The focus is on
The work with the robot systems has been carried out as part of the Tipi-Fab for some time now.
E-Mail: PedroFernando.ArizpeGomez(at)offis.de, Phone: +49 441 9722-741, Room: E66
E-Mail: Tim.Stratmann(at)offis.de, Phone: +49 441 9722-431, Room: Flx-P
Furuno, Eike and Hein, Andreas and Stratmann, Tim C. and Pfingsthorn, Max; 2024 9th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE); 2024
Drolshagen, Sandra and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; International Journal of Social Robotics; October / 2024
Liebers, Carina and Megarajan, Pranav and Auda, Jonas and Stratmann, Tim C. and Pfingsthorn, Max and Gruenefeld, Uwe and Schneegass, Stefan; Multimodal Technologies and Interaction; 2024
Liebers, Carina and Pfützenreuter, Niklas and Prochazka, Marvin and Megarajan, Pranav and Furuno, Eike and Löber, Jan and Stratmann, Tim C. and Auda, Jonas and Degraen, Donald and Gruenefeld, Uwe and Schneegass, Stefan; Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; 2024
Pedro Arizpe-Gómez and Kirsten Harms and Kathrin Janitzky and Karsten Witt and Andreas Hein; Biomedical Signal Processing and Control; 2024
Drolshagen, Sandra and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; Robotics; 2023
Sandra Drolshagen, Max Pfingsthorn, Pascal Gliesche, Andreas Hein; Frontiers in Robotic and AI; 02 / 2021
Thosar, Madhura and Mueller, Christian A. and Jäger, Georg and Schleiss, Johannes and Pulugu, Narender and Mallikarjun Chennaboina, Ravi and Rao Jeevangekar, Sai Vivek and Birk, Andreas and Pfingsthorn, Max and Zug, Sebastian; Frontiers in Robotics and AI; 04 / 2021
Illing, Jannike and Klinke, Philipp and Pfingsthorn, Max and Heuten, Wilko; Mensch und Computer 2021; September / 2021
Lange, Daniel and Stratmann, Tim Claudius and Gruenefeld, Uwe and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; April / 2020