Today, the patient is no longer the passive object of a medical treatment performed on him by doctors, but a partner at eye level who takes responsibility for himself, makes decisions and actively shapes his own health. However, as medical laypersons they need support in several respects, both as patients and as healthy persons. Wearable, on-body or implanted devices can make significant contributions here, provide targeted and needs-oriented information, compensate for restrictions, for example due to disability and chronic diseases, and have a direct effect on the body and physiological processes as medical devices/medical technology.
But healthy living does not only affect older people. Adolescents must learn to take responsibility for their own health. This is challenging and becomes particularly difficult when psychological problems are added. On-body sensors can measure physiological parameters such as heart rate variability, respiratory rate or movement patterns and, based on these, bring elements of behavioral therapies into everyday life.
The BMS Group focuses on
E-Mail: Frerk.Mueller-von.Aschwege(at)offis.de, Phone: +49 441 9722-146, Room: E50
Maszuhn, Matthias and Müller-von Aschwege, Frerk and Jansen, Felix and Hein, Andreas and Knol, Hester and Snowdon, David and Buschermöhle, Michael and Barth, Dominik and Haag, Luisa and Wohlers, Nadine and others; BIOSTEC (2); 2024
Siegel, Finn and Buj, Christian and Merfort, Ricarda and Hein, Andreas and Aschwege, Frerk; Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies; 2024
Klein, Franziska and Kohl, Simon H. and Lührs, Michael and Mehler, David M. A. and Sorger, Bettina; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences; 2024
Klein, Franziska; Frontiers in Neuroergonomics; April / 2024
Siegel, Finn and Buj, Christian and Schwanbeck, Ralf and Petersik, Andreas and Hoffmann, Ulrich and Kemper, Jakob and Hildebrand, Frank and Kobbe, Philipp and Eschweiler, Jörg and Greven, Johannes and Merfort, Ricarda and Freimann, Christian and Schwaiger, Astrid and Aschwege, Frerk; Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies; 2023
Franziska Klein, Frerk Müller-Von Aschwege, Patrick Elfert, Julien Räker, Alexandra Philipsen, Niclas Braun, Benjamin Selaskowski, Annika Wiebe, Matthias Guth, Johannes Spallek, Sigrid Seuss, Benjamin Storey, Leo N. Geppert, Ingo Lück, Andreas Hein; Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Oktober / 2023
Matthias Maszuhn, Frerk Müller-von Aschwege, Susanne Boll-Westermann, Jan Pinski; Februar / 2023
Patrick Elfert and Marco Eichelberg and Andreas Hein; Personennahe Dienstleistungen der Zukunft; 2023
Cletus Brauer and Petra Dinkelacker and Marco Eichelberg and Patrick Elfert and Manuela Ferdinand and Andreas Hein and Alexandra Kolozis and Philipp Kullmann and Linda Reinicke and Carsten Schultz and Sophia Zwiener; Personennahe Dienstleistungen der Zukunft; 2023