With increasing digitization and automation, the amount of data to be processed in all domains is steadily increasing. Under the keyword Internet of Things (IoT), secure communication between machines is becoming increasingly important. As a result, the time periods in which this data has to be processed and analysed are becoming shorter and shorter. As a result of this development, new technology branches have emerged in recent years in the area of data storage and management, such as data stream management systems, distributed ledger technologies and in-memory databases, which are increasingly finding their way into the energy domain.
The central question that the group is therefore concerned with is: How can technologies and tools from the field of Big Data be transferred to the energy domain, tested, optimized and profitably established there? The group considers technologies in the entire chain from data acquisition/generation, processing and analysis to archiving and visualization. The target group includes all participants in the energy market, from individual consumers, grid operators and suppliers to producers, especially in the field of renewable energies.
E-Mail: jan.reinkensmeier(at)offis.de, Phone: +49 441 9722-227, Room: Flx-E
Innovative Energy (Efficiency) Service Models for Sector Integration via Blockchain
Duration: 2022 - 2025
National Research Data Infrastructure for the Interdisciplinary Energy System Research
Duration: 2023 - 2028
Digitale Rückverfolgbarkeit und Transparenz entlang der Wertschöpfungskette Schwein in der Region Oldenburger Münsterland
Duration: 2023 - 2025
WärmewendeNordwest – Digitalisierung zur Umsetzung von Wärmewende- und Mehrwertanwendungen für Gebäude, Campus, Quartiere und Kommunen im Nordwesten
Duration: 2021 - 2025Oliver Werth, Julia Köhlke, Robert C. Nickerson; Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth International Conference on Information Systems; Dezember / 2024
Amanda Wein, Alexandro Steinert, Jan Sören Schwarz, Laura Fuentes-Grau, Zhiyu Pan, Antonello Monti, Astrid Nieße; Juli / 2024
Lieboldt, Marc-Alexander and Reinkensmeier, Jan and Gomez, Jorge Max and Hölscher, Philipp and Kemper, Nicole and Traulsen, Imke and Drücker, Harm; Bauernzeitung: Das Wochenblatt für Landwirtschaft, Dorf und Familie; 2024
Julia Köhlke, Adam Lechowicz, Oluwole Fabikun, Noman Bashir, Abel Souza, Prashant Shenoy, Sebastian Lehnhoff; ACM BuildSys; November / 2024
Matar, Jessy and Albrecht, Michael and Kandelaki, Aleksandre and Kotthoff, Florian and Duchon, Markus; 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm); 2024
Florian Kotthoff and Christoph Muschner and Deniz Tepe and Guido Pleßmann and Ludwig Hülk; Journal of Open Source Software; 2024
Wein, Amanda and Bechara, Mazen and Rohde, Philipp D. and Vidal, Maria-Esther; Proceedings of the Workshop on Metadata and Research (objects) Management for Linked Open Science (4.2024, Online); Juni / 2024
Asswad, Jad and Bastine, David and Böer, Tabea and Bette, Henrik and Bendlin, Dirk and Eguchi, Alexander and Freund, Jan and Gansel, Kai and Fankhänel, Matthias and Guhr, Thomas and Haghani, Adel and Heißelmann, Henrik and Kühn, Martin and Lichtenstein, Timo and Marx Gomez, Jorge and Pelka, Karoline and Maltzahn, Victor von and Peinke, Joachim and Häckel, Moritz Werther and Schwarzkopf, Marie-Antoinette and Seifert, Janna Kristina and Solsbach, Andreas and Wächter, Matthias and Wiedemann, Christian and Walgern, Julia and Reinkensmeier, Jan and Zurborg, Stefan; 2024
Lieboldt, Marc-Alexander and Sagkob, Stefan and Reinkensmeier, Jan and Marx Gomez, Jorge and Hölscher, Philipp and Kemper, Nicole and Traulsen, Imke and Drücker, Harm; Leistungs-und Qualitätsprüfungen sowie Projekte in der Tierhaltung: Jahresbericht; 2023
Precht, Hauke and Theesen, Cedrik and Buermann, Paula and Reinkensmeier, Jan and Gómez, Jorge Marx; EnviroInfo 2023; 2023