Preserving independency of elderly people by using health- enabling technologies is of high social relevance. To be able to live longer independently may raise quality of life and at the same time save costs for future health systems. Assisting technologies have already been developed but are applied infrequently and most often only after an acute incidence took place. The full potential of these technologies, especially regarding prevention and health promotion, is not exploited in current health systems. Within the PAGE project a technical platform for integrating health-enabling technologies into health networks including domestic environments is developed. The platform is meant to support a process of continuous detection of demand for supportive services and to provide these services directly in the domestic environment. Within this integrated approach available technologies will be merged into integrated services based on economic business models.
The following project objectives have been defined:
1. Identification and development of relevant health-enabling technologies based on objective user needs and individual requirement models.
2. Identification of coordination problems in health networks and development of methods to overcome these problems.
3. Conception, prototypical implementation, and evaluation of a platform for supporting the coordination of health-enabling technologies within health networks.
4. Conception, prototypical implementation, and evaluation of a home platform and infrastructure for supporting the provision of health-enabling technologies in domestic environments.
Frenken, Thomas and Brell, Melina and Eichelberg, Marco and Gietzelt, Matthias and Martens, Birger and Meyer, Eike Michael and Spehr, Jens and Wilken, Olaf and Hein, Andreas; 003 / 2010
Frenken, T. and Lipprandt, M. and Kluthe, R. and Hein, A.; Ambient Assisted Living 2010; 001 / 2010
Hellrung, Nils and Haux, Reinhold and Gusew, Nathalie and Ludwig, Wolfram and Frenken, Thomas and Hein, Andreas and Lipprandt, Myriam and Thoben, Wilfried and Gövercin, Mehmet and Mersmann, Sebastian and Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth and Koczula, Grzegorz and Schultz, Carsten and Kluthe, Ralf; Ambient Assisted Living 2010; 001 / 2010
Frenken, Thomas and Gövercin, Mehmet and Mersmann, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas; Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth); 003 / 2010
Brell, Melina and Frenken, Thomas and Meyer, Jochen and Hein, Andreas; PETRA'10; 006 / 2010
Steen, Enno-Edzard and Frenken, Thomas and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; APS+PC-Nachrichten; 12 / 2010
Frenken, Thomas and Isken, Melvin and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 007 / 2011
Frenken, Thomas and Vester, Björn and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 005 / 2011
Frenken, Thomas and Wilken, Olaf and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation, BMI'10, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 21, 2010; 009 / 2010
Frenken, Thomas and Steen, Enno-E. and Brell, Melina and Nebel, Wolfgang and Hein, Andreas ; Proceedings of the 1st International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications. In conjunction with BIOSTEC 2011.; 006 / 2011
Schultz, Carsten and Bogenstahl, Christoph and Hellrung, Nils and Thoben, Wilfried; 003 / 2011
Lipprandt, Myriam and Helmer, Axel and Eichelberg, Marco and Thoben, Wilfried and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen; IT-basiertes Management integrierter Versorgungsnetzwerke; 003 / 2011
Helmer,Axel and Lipprandt, Myriam and Frenken, Thomas and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; J Healthcare Engineering; 009 / 2011
Frenken, Thomas and Isken, Melvin and Volkening, Nils and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 001 / 2012
Frenken, T. and Lipprandt, M. and Brell, M. and Wegel, S. and Gövercin, M. and Steinhagen-Thiessen, E. and Hein, A.; Proc. 6th Int Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth) Conf; 005 / 2012
Hellrung, Nils and Ludwig, Wolfram and Frenken, Thomas and Lipprandt, Myriam and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Helmer, Axel and Veltin, Bastian and Bargen, Tobias and Gövercin, Mehmet and Wegel, Sandra and Brell, Melina and Thoben, Wilfried and Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth and Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas; Technologiegestüzte Dienstleistungsinnovation in der Gesundheitswirtschaft; 004 / 2012
Steen, Enno-Edzard and Frenken, Thomas and Eichelberg, Marco and Frenken, Melina and Hein, Andreas; Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments; 11 / 2013
Frenken, Thomas and Frenken, Melina and Gövercin, M. and Kiselev, J. and Meyer, Jochen and Wegely, S. and Hein, Andreas; CEWIT-TZI-acatech Workshop "ICT meets Medicine and Health" (ICTMH 2013); 004 / 2013