First Results of Automatic Fault-Injection in an AUTOSAR Tool-chain

Baumgarten, Guilherme and Oertel, Markus and Rettberg, Achim and Götz, Marcelo
Inproceedings of the 2014 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
Fault-injection is a commonly used method for testing safety-relevant embedded systems. Especially after the introduction of the ISO 26262 the importance of this technique has gained attention in the automotive domain to test the proper implementation of safety concepts. To enable meaningful tests, the possible random hardware faults need to be aligned in early stages of the development process between the hardware and software developers. Since it is difficult to reason that a system nominal behavior is not affected by the injected fault-code, we aim at an automatic injection of faults into the software units using an AUTOSAR tool-chain. An extension in the AUTOSAR design tool is proposed in order to capture fault definitions that shall be used to automatically create trigger-able defects in the behavioral models designed with SIMULINK/Targetlink. As first results, it is demonstrated how to integrate faults in Targetlink to be able to use AUTOSAR simulation environments without any further changes to perform fault-injection tests. Furthermore, automatically generated test-vectors from requirements are used to trigger the fault injection at runnable level.
7 / 2014
Critical System Engineering Acceleration (sorry - only available in German)