Flexible and Reconfigurable Automation Architecture for Electrical Power Systems

Jorge Velasquez, Carsten Krüger, Davood Babazadeh, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Rajkumar Palaniappan, Björn Bauernschmitt, Dominik Hilbrich, Christian Rehtanz
An increased penetration of decentralized genera-tion in the current electrical power system brings a numberof challenges that grid operators need to address. With this inmind, the main objective is the control and protection of a het-erogeneous system that presents an unpredictable behavior whichcould ultimately hinder the stable operation of the present andfuture electrical infrastructure. Having this in mind, it is desir-able to bolster emerging control and protection systems to adaptto new requirements and possible constraints. Consequently, theproject i-Automate seeks to develop a concept that is able to usethe available standards, functionalities and hardware to bringforward a flexible and reconfigurable automation network tohelp system operators to cope with the different challenges herepresented. For the purpose of testing such a concept a voltagecontrol architecture is used in a distribution grid. Furthermore,a failure of one of the main controllers is induced and thereconfiguration of the system is performed. Finally, it is observedthat regardless of the failure the remaining devices take thecontrol of the system and are able to maintain the voltage withinthe acceptable range.
Modular konfigurier- und prüfbare Automatisierungsarchitektur für zukünftige aktive elektrische Energienetze (sorry - only available in German)