In this paper we present an approach towards supporting the ergonomic design of aircraft cockpits by predicting the probability that pilots might miss relevant information due to routine learning effects combined with non-adequate placement of display instruments. The approach is based on an executable cognitive pilot model. We focus on the cognitive interaction between (1) rule-based processing of flight procedures, (2) the pilot's mental model of the current situation and (3) pilot's attention. The cognitive model is coupled with a formal cockpit design to simulate human-machine interaction during flight procedures. As an example we analyze the perception of automatic flight mode changes.
08 / 2009
LNCS 5726
HUMAN Model-based Analysis of Human errors during Aircraft Cockpit System Design
Tom Gross; Jan Gulliksen; Paula Kotzé; Lars Oestreicher; Philippe Palanque; Raquel Oliveira Prates; Marco Winckler