The functionality provided in automotive vehicles is getting substantially more complex with each vehicle generation. In particular the increase of new assistance functions and the density of their integration pose challenges to the engineering process that cannot be addressed by traditional methods. This trend will increase with forthcoming, more autonomous driving functions that require another magnitude of computing power for evaluating traffic situations and the state of the vehicle environment. On the technology side these challenges ask for new architecture concepts, in particular for the introduction of multi- and many-core platforms. On the design side they ask for new engineering methods that are able to early identify potentials and drawbacks of new and existing designs. Moreover, an intelligent combination of the vast amount of methods is required to provide the right information at the right time and also to trace problems back to their root causes. Finally, existing and new tools – needed for supporting or even executing these methods – have to be integrated such that these methods can be used in a routine engineering environment, ensuring that information handling within the supply chain works as smooth as the information flow within the company.
The AMALTHEA4public project ( is part of the ITEA 3 programme and builds on the result of several other projects like AMALTHEA, CESAR, MBAT, CRYSTAL, SAFE,ARAMiS with the intention to provide an open source tool platform for engineering embedded multi- and many-core software systems. The project focusses on features like testing, verification and validation, safety, systems engineering, product line engineering and multi- and many-core support.
Using its expertise in the design, verification, and validation of safety-related systems, OFFIS is contributing to the project by identifying and closing gaps related to the automotive safety standard ISO 26262. The goal is to enrich the AMALTHEA model and methods such that they become compliant to the ISO 26262 requirements. The second main contribution from OFFIS is to ensure compliancy to the interoperability standard (IOS) developed in European research projects such as CESAR, CRYSTAL and MBAT. The goal is here to provide standard interfaces between methods and tools such that workflows needed in the design for safety-related systems can be assembled from bricks. As a result, it will be possible to implement workflows for the design of safety-related systems out of these bricks, enabling the combination of existing methods/tools with innovative results from research activities. As a demonstration of these capabilities an integration into the OSCL-based Jazz platform from IBM is foreseen.
Ingo Stierand, Philipp Reinkemeier, Sebastian Gerwinn, Thomas Peikenkamp; International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS); 01 / 2016
Benedikt Bauer and Jan Steffen Becker and Thomas Peikenkamp and Christof Schlaak and Ingo Stierand; Combined Proceedings of the Workshops of the German Software Engineering Conference 2018 (SE 2018); 03 / 2018
FKZ: 01IS14029H
Embedded Multi-Core systems for Mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments