The objective of the project UCARE is to develop and establish a Competence Cluster for usability within the Care Sector in order for small and medium-sized software enterprises to make their products fit for purpose and to increase their market value. The aim of the Competence Cluster is to show the benefits of increased usability to the management of SMEs, to act consultatory as well as distributing tools and methods for Usability Engineering within the Care Sector.
S. Timmermanns, C. Trappe, W. Heuten, S. Boll, A. Felscher, B. Gräfe; Proceedings of the 8. AAL-Kongress; 04 / 2015
Christoph Trappe, Wilko Heuten, Susanne Boll, Simon Timmermanns, Stefan Rahner, Dietmar Wolff, Britta Gräfe; Mensch und Computer 2015; 2015
Fischer, Manuel and Hartwig, Ronald and Hennecke, Fabian and Müller, Johannes and Simon, Frank and Trappe, Christoph and Tewes, Uwe and Huy, Philipp; Usability Professionals 2014; 2014
Trappe, Christoph and Timmermanns, Simon; Workshop-Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Humans and Computers; 2014
Erika Root, Simon Timmermanns, Britta Gräfe, Wilko Heuten, Susanne Boll-Westermann; Wissenschaft trifft Praxis; 2017
FKZ: 01MU13003D