Frauke Oest, M.Sc. Senior Researcher

M.Sc. Frauke Oest

Position at OFFIS

Senior Researcher

Research and Developement Division

Energy / Distributed Artificial Intelligence

Competence Cluster

Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI)

Position at the University

Researcher in the group energy informatics

Research Focus


+49 441 9722-137



OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

of Frauke Oest, M.Sc.


cosima-mango: Investigating Multi-Agent System robustness through integrated communication simulation

Emilie Frost and Malin Radtke and Marvin Nebel-Wenner and Frauke Oest and Sanja Stark; SoftwareX; 2024


Coupling OMNeT++ and mosaik for integrated Co-Simulation of ICT-reliant Smart Grids

Frauke Oest, Emilie Frost, Malin Radtke, Sebastian Lehnhoff; ACM SIGENERGY Energy Informatics Review; 03 / 2023

Integrating Agent-Based Control for Normal Operation in Interconnected Power and Communication Systems Simulation

Radtke, MalinStucke, ChristophTrauernicht, MalteMontag, CarstenOest, FraukeFrost, EmilieBremer, JörgLehhoff, Sebastian; SSCI 2023; Dezember / 2023



Constraint-based Modeling of Smart Grid Services in ICT-Reliant Power Systems

Oest, Frauke and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; ENERGY 2022, The Twelfth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies; Mai / 2022


enera - Projektkompendium

Das enera-Projektkonsortium; Februar / 2021

Evaluation of Communication Infrastructures for Distributed Optimization of Virtual Power Plant Schedules

Oest, Frauke and Radtke, Malin and Blank-Babazadeh, Marita and Holly, Stefanie and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Energies; 02 / 2021


Tool-assisted Surrogate Selection for Simulation Models in Energy Systems

Stephan Balduin, Frauke Oest, Marita Blank-Babazadeh, Astrid Nieße, Sebastian Lehnhoff; Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; 9 / 2019



Dynamic Portfolio Optimization for Distributed Energy Resources in Virtual Power Plants

Balduin, Stephan and Brauer, Dierk and Elend, Lars and Holly, Stefanie and Korte, Jan and Krüger, Carsten and Meier, Almuth and Oest, Frauke and Sanders-Sjuts, Immo and Sauer, Torben and Schnieders, Marco and Zilke, Robert and Hinrichs, Christian and Sonnenschein, Michael; Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics: Stability, Continuity, Innovation; 2017