From Reading to Driving - Priming Mobile Users for Take-over Situations in Highly Automated Driving

Borojeni, S.S., Weber, L., Heuten, W., Boll, S.
Mobile HCI
Highly automated vehicles, occasionally require users to resume vehicle control from non-driving related tasks by issuing cues called take-over request (TOR). Due to being engaged in non-driving related tasks (NDRT), users have a decreased level of situational awareness of the driving context. Therefore, user interface designs for TORs should ensure smooth transitions from the NDRTs to vehicle control. In this paper, we investigated the role of decision priming cues as TORs across different levels of NDRT engagement. In a driving simulator, users performed a reading span task while driving in automated mode. They received audio-visual TORs which primed them with an appropriate maneuver (steering vs. braking), depending on the traffic situation. Our results showed that priming users with upcoming maneuvers results in faster responses and longer time to collision to obstacles. However, the level of engagement in NDRT does not affect user responses to TORs.