More than Numbers: Self-Expression Centered T1D App Design for Teenagers

Fröhlich, Thomas and Willems, Rob and Kremer, Lisa and Dol, Aranka and Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Extended Abstracts
Management of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is essential for a successful long-term treatment. This is especially important for teenagers transitioning to self-management. However, due to teenagers' interests and lifestyles, T1D management isn't often highly prioritized by teenagers, possibly leading to deficits in monitoring and health status. In this work, we aim to increase monitoring potential for teenagers by developing a mobile app that is centered around the lifestyle and needs of teenagers. We further emphasize patient-doctor communication by concentrating on the human behind the numbers. We contribute user requirements, a paper-prototype design of the T1D management app and an initial evaluation with medical staff such as diabetes nurses.
Association for Computing Machinery
IDC '20
Smart Diabetes 24/7
Diabetes management for young people through the use of sensor technology