@proceedings{Ant2024, Author = {Antonieta Alcorta de Bronstein, Frederic Urbschat, Christine Rosinger, Florian Grubitzsch, Jantje Halberstadt}, Title = {Vision development in a multi-stakeholder research project: Digitalization for a sustainable shift in the use of heat}, Year = {2024}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Series = {International Conference on Project Management - Proj MAN}, Organization = {Proj MAN 2024 }, type = {proceedings}, Abstract = {“A global force for Learning-through-Play” is the Lego company’s vision, and by reading it is clear that every step this company takes is directed towards achieving this vision. The efforts, decision-making, and goals for both employees and clients, the why behind Lego is lived by is evident in their vision statement. For a company or an organization to have a vision and mission is a well-known topic both in literature and practice. A clearly defined vision and mission statement is key to bringing a team together, in decision-making and has an impact on the organization’s success. However, when we look at projects a vision and mission statement is rarely defined. Considering the positive impact a vision and mission statement can have on an organization’s success, why is this not applied to projects? Or why is this not done more frequently? This article focuses on how a multi-stakeholder research project is working together, and how developing a vision was an important step into coming together to work towards their specific and common goals. The project WWNW (German: WärmewendeNordwest, English: Northwest heat transition) is looking into ways in which digitalization can help develop further solutions to improve energy consumption in terms of heating, and in this article, we will dive deeper into their vision and mission statement development process as a case study and example for other multi-stakeholder projects.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }