Dr.-Ing. Anand Narayan Senior Researcher

Dr.-Ing. Anand Narayan

Position at OFFIS

Senior Researcher

Research and Developement Division

Energy / Resilient Monitoring and Control

Competence Cluster

Cyber-Resilient Architectures and Security (CRAS)


+49 441 9722-246



OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

of Dr.-Ing. Anand Narayan


Resilience Monitoring for the Digitalisation of the Energy Transition (ReMoDigital)

Bert Droste-Franke and Gabriele Fohr and Davy van Doren and Markus Voge and Moritz Bergfeld and Urte Brand-Daniels and Karen Derendorf and Marc Dziakowski and Hans Christian Gils and Ghinwa Harb and Gandhi Pragada and Tudor Mocanu and Sophie Nägele and Henrik Netz and Martin Plener and Angelika Schulz and Henning Wigger and Madhura Yeligeti and Michael Brand and Batoul Hage Hassan and Anand Narayan and Sigrid Prehofer; January / 2025



Applying Trust for Operational States of ICT-Enabled Power Grid Services

Michael Brand, Anand Narayan, Sebastian Lehnhoff; April / 2024

Modelling the propagation of properties across services in cyber-physical energy systems

Anand Narayan, Michael Brand, Nils Huxoll, Batoul Hage Hassan, Sebastian Lehnhoff ; March / 2024


Impact of ICT Latency, Data Loss and Data Corruption on Active Distribution Network Control

Klaes, Marcel and Zwartscholten, Jannik and Narayan, Anand and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Rehtanz, Christian; IEEE Access; 2023

Quantifying the resilience of ICT-enabled grid services in cyber-physical energy system

Narayan, Anand and Brand, Michael and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Energy Informatics; October / 2023


A Hybrid Model for Analysing Disturbance Propagation in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

Haack, J and Narayan, A and Patil, AD and Klaes, M and Braun, M and Lehnhoff, S and de Meer, H and Rehtanz, C; Electric Power Systems Research; July / 2022

Virtualization for Performance Guarantees of State Estimation in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

Batoul Hage Hassan, Anand Narayan, Michael Brand and Sebastian Lehnhoff; DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics 2022; September / 2022


Analyzing the Propagation of Disturbances in CPES considering the States of ICT-enabled Grid Services

Anand Narayan, Marcel Klaes, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Christian Rehtanz; Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2021); October / 2021

Performance Assessment of State Estimation in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

Batoul Hage Hassan, Anand Narayan, Davood Babazadeh, Marcel Klaes, Sebastian Lehnhoff; PowerTech 2021; June / 2021

Real-time Context-Aware Operation of Digitalized Power Systems by Reporting Rate Control of PMUs

Pratyush Das, Anand Narayan, Davood Babazadeh, Payam Teimourzadeh Baboli, Sebastian Lehnhoff; 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech; 2021

SiNED-Ancillary Services for Reliable Power Grids in Times of Progressive German Energiewende and Digital Transformation

Jonas Wussow, Davood Babazadeh, Vanessa Beutel, Sebastian Buchholz, Stefan Geissendoerfer, Jana Gerlach, Neelopal Majumdar, Karsten von Maydell, Anand Narayan, Melanie Hoffmann, Lily Kahl, Thomas Leveringhaus, Marc Rene Lotz, Alex Scheunert, ra, Payam Teimourzadeh Baboli, Paul Hendrik Tiemann, Nils Huxoll, Oliver Werth, Carsten Agert, Michael H. Breitner, Bernd Engel, Lutz Hofmann, Martin Koenemund, Michael Kurrat, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Astrid Niesse, Hartmut Weyer; ETG Congress 2021; 3 / 2021


Application of a Testing Chain Methodology for Improving Power Converter Controllers

Merkebu Z. Degefa, Henning Taxt, Luigi Pellegrino, Julia Merino, Adrian Jimenez, Anand Narayan, Catalin Gavriluta, Thomas I. Strasser; 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2020)) ; 2020

Education and Training Needs, Methods, and Tools

Kotsampopoulos, P. and Jensen, T. V. and Babazadeh, D. and Strasser, T. I. and Rikos, E. and Nguyen, V. H. and Tran, Q. T. and Bhandia, R. and Guillo-Sansano, E. and Heussen, K. and Narayan, A. and Nguyen, T. L. and Burt, G. M. and Hatziargyriou, N.; European Guide to Power System Testing: The ERIGrid Holistic Approach for Evaluating Complex Smart Grid Configurations; 2020

Grid Function Virtualization for Reliable Provision of Services in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

Anand Narayan, Batoul Hage Hassan, Shadi Attarha, Carsten Krüger, Davood Babazadeh, Sebastian Lehnhoff; Power and Energy Society (PES) General meeting 2020; August / 2020

Impact of Increased ICT Latency on Active Distribution Network Control

Jannik Zwartscholten, Marcel Klaes, Daniel Mayorga Gonzalez, Anand Narayan, Farooque Subhan, Christian Rehtanz; Energycon 2020; 2020

Real-time Test Platform for Enabling Grid Service Virtualisation in Cyber Physical Energy System

Krüger, Carsten and Narayan, Anand and Castro, Felipe and Hassan, Batoul Hage and Attarha, Shadi and Babazadeh, Davood and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA); 2020

State Description of Cyber-Physical EnergySystems

Marcel Klaes, Anand Narayan, Amit Dilip Pati, Jonas Haack, Martin Lindner, Christian Rehtanz,Martin Braun, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Hermann De Meer; Proceedings of the 9th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics; 10 / 2020

Virtualization Management Concept for Flexible and Fault-tolerant Smart Grid Service Provision

Attarha, Shadi and Narayan, Anand and Hage Hassan, Batoul and Krüger, Carsten and Castro, Felipe and Babazadeh, Davood and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Energies; May / 2020


First Approach for a Multi-dimensional State Classification for ICT-reliant Energy Systems

Anand Narayan, Marcel Klaes, Davood Babazadeh, Sebastian Lehnhoff, and Christian Rehtanz; International ETG-Congress 2019; ETG Symposium; 2019

Interdependent ICT and Power System State Classification for ICT-reliant Energy Systems

Anand Narayan; Abstracts from the 8th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics; 9 / 2019

Towards Future SCADA Systems for ICT-reliant Energy Systems

Anand Narayan, Carsten Krüger, Andre Göring, Davood Babazadeh, Marie-Christin Harre, Bertram Wortelen, Andreas Luedtke, Sebastian Lehnhoff; International ETG-Congress 2019; ETG Symposium; 2019



Future perspectives of co-simulation in the smart grid domain

Steinbrink, Cornelius and Schlogl, Florian and Babazadeh, Davood and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Rohjans, Sebastian and Narayan, Anand; 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2018; June / 2018