Emilie Frost, M.Sc. Researcher

M.Sc. Emilie Frost

Position at OFFIS


Research and Developement Division

Energy / Distributed Artificial Intelligence

Competence Cluster

Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI)


+49 441 9722-582




of Emilie Frost, M.Sc.


cosima-mango: Investigating Multi-Agent System robustness through integrated communication simulation

Emilie Frost and Malin Radtke and Marvin Nebel-Wenner and Frauke Oest and Sanja Stark; SoftwareX; 2024

Detecting and Analyzing Agent Communication Anomalies in Distributed Energy System Control

Emilie Frost and Julia Heiken and Martin Tröschel and Astrid Nieße; Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 3: ICAART; 2024

Distributed Multi-objective Optimization in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

Stark, Sanja and Frost, Emilie and Nebel-Wenner, Marvin; ACM SIGENERGY Energy Informatics Review; 2024



Coupling OMNeT++ and mosaik for integrated Co-Simulation of ICT-reliant Smart Grids

Frauke Oest, Emilie Frost, Malin Radtke, Sebastian Lehnhoff; ACM SIGENERGY Energy Informatics Review; 03 / 2023

Integrating Agent-Based Control for Normal Operation in Interconnected Power and Communication Systems Simulation

Radtke, MalinStucke, ChristophTrauernicht, MalteMontag, CarstenOest, FraukeFrost, EmilieBremer, JörgLehhoff, Sebastian; SSCI 2023; Dezember / 2023

Integration of Intelligent Neighbourhood Grids to the German Distribution Grid: A Perspective

Ramirez, Rebeca and Wanigasekara, Chathura and Frost, Emilie and Brandt, Tobias and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Büskens, Christof; Available at SSRN 4313578; May / 2023


Choosing the right model for unified flexibility modeling

Brandt, Jonathan and Frost, Emilie and Ferenz, Stephan and Tiemann, Paul Hendrik and Bensmann, Astrid and Hanke-Rauschenbach, Richard and Nieße, Astrid; Energy Informatics; 2022

Operational flexibility for multi-purpose usage of pooled battery storage systems

Tiemann, Paul Hendrik and Nebel-Wenner, Marvin and Holly, Stefanie and Frost, Emilie and Jimenez Martinez, Adrian and Nieße, Astrid; Energy Informatics; 2022


Robust and Deterministic Scheduling of Power Grid Actors

Frost, Emilie and Veith, Eric MSP and Fischer, Lars; 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT); June / 2020