Dr. phil. Maria Wolters Principal Scientist, Group manager "Social Computing"


Position at OFFIS

Principal Scientist, Group manager "Social Computing"

Research and Developement Division

Society / Social Computing

Competence Cluster

Multi-Scale Multi-Rate Simulation (MS²)

Further Activities

80% OFFIS Research Group SOC, supporting Group Lead Wilko Heuten

20% FTE Reader in Design Informatics (äquivalent zu Associate Professor) at the University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics, Institute of Design Informatics and Institute of Language, Cognition, and Computation.

Research Focus

Digital Inclusion, technology for empowerment (in particular of those with chronic health conditions), effective and efficient use of technology in society, health, and wellbeing

+49 441 9722-163




of Dr. phil. Maria Wolters


"We provide the methods to others but we don't use the methods ourselves": challenges with utilization of modern contraception among Female Healthcare Workers at two tertiary teaching hospitals, Northern Uganda

Opee, Jimmyy and Opiro, Keneth and Manano, Priscilla and Sikoti, Margret and Ayikoru, Jackline and Akello, Harriet and Laker, Fiona Gladys and Wolters, Maria K. and Awor, Silvia and Pebolo, Francis Pebalo and Bongomin, Felix; Contraception and Reproductive Medicine; October / 2024

Forms of Fraudulence in Human-Centered Design: Collective Strategies and Future Agenda for Qualitative HCI Research

Panicker, Aswati and Nurain, Novia and Ibrahim, Zaidat and Wang, Chun-Han (Ariel) and Ha, Seung Wan and Kaziunas, Elizabeth and Wolters, Maria K and Chung, Chia-Fang; Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; May / 2024

Why the Fine, AI? The Effect of Explanation Level on Citizens' Fairness Perception of AI-based Discretion in Public Administrations

Aljuneidi, Saja and Heuten, Wilko and Abdenebaoui, Larbi and Wolters, Maria K and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; 2024