Dr. Ing. Mathias Uslar Works Council Chairman, Senior Principal Scientist


Position at OFFIS

Works Council Chairman, Senior Principal Scientist

Research and Developement Division


Competence Cluster

Safety Relevant Cyber Physical Systems (SRCPS), Architecture Frameworks (AF), Cyber-Resilient Architectures and Security (CRAS)


+49 441 9722-128



OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

of Dr. Ing. Mathias Uslar


Gaia-X in industriellen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken – Erkenntnisse aus der Förderlinie InGAIA-X

Dumitrescu, Roman and Riedel, Oliver and Henke, Michael and Metternich, Joachim and Ihlenfeldt, Steffen and Koldewey, Christian; 2025


Cybersecurity in the Smart Grid: Mapping Standards

Niemann, Laura and Wellßow, Arlena and Kuchenbuch, René and Werth, Oliver and Uslar, Mathias; Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024 Proceedings; September / 2024

CyTRI – Fostering Security Measures Against Emerging Cyber Threats

Azamat, M., Werth, O. & Uslar, M.; Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2024); June / 2024

Machine-Readable Expert Knowledge Representation Concept

Wellßow, Arlena and Smith, Paul and Widl, Edmund and Veith, Eric and Kohlisch-Posega, Julian and Soro, Francesca and Puhan, Malte and Theil, Andreas and Uslar, Mathias and Zoll, Roland; February / 2024

Threat Modeling for AI Analysis: Towards the Usage of Misuse Case Templates and UML Diagrams for AI Experiment Description and Trajectory Generation

Wellßow, Arlena and Kohlisch-Posega, Julian and Veith, Eric M.S.P. and Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings of the 2024 13th International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications; 2024


Learning new attack vectors from misuse cases with deep reinforcement learning

Veith, Eric and Wellßow, Arlena and Uslar, Mathias; Frontiers in Energy Research; 2023



ICT architectures for TSO-DSO coordination and data exchange: a European perspective

Pérez, Néstor Rodríguez and Domingo, Javier Matanza and López, Gregorio López and Ávila, José Pablo Chaves and Bosco, Ferdinando and Croce, Vincenzo and Kukk, Kalle and Uslar, Mathias and Madina, Carlos and Santos-Mugica, Maider; IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid; 2022

Ki Normungsroadmap 2.0

DIN; 12 / 2022

SINTEG-Förderprogramm: Fortschritte im intelligenten Energiesystem

M. Clausen; J. Schütz; M. Uslar; atp Magazin Ausgabe 03 2022 - Network Automation - Blaupause für ein neues Smart Grid; Mai / 2022

Smart grids - Verbesserung der Energieauslastung

Mathias Uslar and Sebastian Hanna; Factroy Innovation 4.0; 07 / 2022

The Energy Data Space: The Path to a European Approach for Energy

Gouriet, Martine and Barancourt, Hervé and Boust, Marianne and Calvez, Philippe and Laskowski, Michael and Taillandier, Anne-Sophie and Tilman, Loic and Uslar, Mathias and Warweg, Oliver; Designing Data Spaces : The Ecosystem Approach to Competitive Advantage; 2022


A case study research on interoperability improvement in Smart Grids: state-of-the-art and further opportunities

Johann Schütz, Mathias Uslar und Jürgen Meister; Open Research Europe; 2021

Adressing Quality Properties in Use Case Descriptions - Adding Assurance to a Use Case Process

Denis Uecker, Dr. Reinhard Schwarz, Dr. Ioannis Sorokos, Hanna AlZughbi, Dr.-Ing. Mathias Uslar, Sebastian Hanna, Christine Rosinger; 2021

Digitalisierung in der Energiewirtschaft: Digitalisierung, Daten und Sicherheit: Herausforderungen für Unternehmen in der Energiewirtschaft

Andreas Corusa, Georg Erdmann, Elena Timofeeva, Johannes Norbert Predel, Falk Ritschel, Christian Sprengel, Anne Walther, AND Daniel Kaufmann, Stefan Brühl, Victor Stocker, Christine Rosinger, Mathias Uslar, Simon Schäfer-Stradowski; Mai / 2021

enera - Projektkompendium

Das enera-Projektkonsortium; Februar / 2021

How to Improve the Interoperability of Digital (ICT) Systems in the Energy Sector

Johann Schütz, Mathias Uslar, Jürgen Meister, Julia Köhlke; ISGAN 2021; March / 2021

IEC 62559-2 Use Case Template-based Smart Grid Architecture Analytics

Johann Schütz, Marie Clausen, Mathias Uslar and Jorge Marx Gómez; 09 / 2021

Perspectives on the Social Embeddedness of the Smart Grid Architecture Model in Innovation Projects

Julia Köhlke, Sabrina Paustian, Jannika Mattes, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Mathias Uslar; September / 2021

State of Energy System Digitalisation in Germany - Results of the SINTEG program

Mathias Uslar, Johann Schütz, Marie Clausen; ICT for Energy Communities How can we escape the complexity?; November / 2021


Anwendungshilfe SGAM - Smart Grid Use Cases modellieren

S.Faller; J. Schütz; A. Bogensperger; M. Uslar; et Magazin Ausgabe 5 2020 - Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Recht, Technik und Umwelt; Mai / 2020

Challenges for System of Systems in the Agriculture Application Domain

Weinert, Benjamin and Uslar, Mathias; 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering (SoSE); 5 / 2020

Economic evaluation and comparison of migration paths for the smart grid using two case studies

Agnetha Flore; Jorge Marx Gómez; Mathias Uslar; Heliyon; November / 2020

Economic Evaluation and Comparison of Migration Paths for the Smart Grid using two Case Studies

Agnetha Flore; Jorge Marx Gómez; Mathias Uslar; Heliyon; November / 2020

GAIA-X: A Pitch Towards Europe Statusbericht zu Anwenderökosystemen und -anforderungen, Fortschrittsbericht des Workstreams 1 „Anwenderökosysteme und -anforderungen“

Hoppe, Gerd and al., et; GAIA-X: A Pitch Towards Europe Statusbericht zu Anwenderökosystemen und -anforderungen, Fortschrittsbericht des Workstreams 1 „Anwenderökosysteme und -anforderungen“; 5 / 2020

Procedure Concept for the Development of Migration Paths for Smart Grids: from Model to Practice

Agnetha Flore; Jorge Marx Gómez; Mathias Uslar; ICEEE 2020 International Conference on Economics, Energy and Environment; June / 2020

Prospective Expansion of the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform to include TSO-DSO interaction and Wider Market Participation

Mohammed Radi; Gareth Taylor; Fabio Oliveira; Mathias Uslar; Julia Köhlke; CIRED Berlin Workshop Conference Proceedings 2020; September / 2020



Bidirectional Power and Data Flow via Enhanced Portal TSO-DSO Coordination

Mohammed Radi, Gareth Taylor, Nermin Suljanovic, Mathias Uslar, Julia Köhlke; 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference – UPEC 2019; 09 / 2019


Adolph, Lars and Ammon, Ernst and Bausch, Udo and Beck, Susanne and Bedenbender, Heinz and Bentkus, Alexander and Billmann, Meik and Braunmandl, Andre and Brumby, Lennart and Börkircher, Mikko and others; n/a; 8 / 2019

Energy Data Flow in Smart Grids - A conceptual model for addressing various use cases

Mohammed Radi, Gareth Taylor, Mathias Uslar, Julia Köhlke; CIRED Conference Proceedings 2019; June / 2019

Introducing the Concept of Technical Debt To Smart Grids: a System Engineering Perspective

Johann Schütz, Mathias Uslar; CIRED 2019 workshop proceedings; 06 / 2019

Migration Paths for Smart Grids and their Evaluation using a Case Study

Agnetha Flore; Marie Clausen; Mathias Uslar; Enabling High-penetration Renewable Integration into a Smarter Grid; November / 2019

Organisationsentwicklung mit Smart Grid Reifegradmodellen für Versorger

Agnetha Flore; Mathias Uslar; Realisierung Utility 4.0; September / 2019




Adolph, Lars and Ammon, Ernst and Bausch, Udo and Beck, Susanne and Bedenbender, Heinz and Bentkus, Alexander and Billmann, Meik and Braunmandl, Andre and Brumby, Lennart and Börkircher, Mikko and others; 2018


Adolph, Lars and Ammon, Ernst and Bausch, Udo and Beck, Susanne and Bedenbender, Heinz and Bentkus, Alexander and Billmann, Meik and Braunmandl, Andre and Brumby, Lennart and Börkircher, Mikko and others; 2018

Domain-Specific Requirements Elicitation for Socio-Technical System of Systems

Benjamin Weinert and Mathias Uslar and Axel Hahn; 2018 13th System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE); June / 2018

Domain-Specific Requirements Elicitation for Socio-Technical System of Systems.

Weinert, Benjamin and Uslar, Mathias and Hahn, Axel; IEEE 13th System of Systems Engineering Conference - SoSE 2018, Paris; 2018

From Integration Profiles to Interoperability Testing for Smart Energy Systems at Connectathon Energy

Marion Gottschalk, Gerald Franzl, Matthias Frohner, Richard Pasteka, Mathias Uslar; Methods and Concepts for Designing and Validating Smart Grid Systems; 12 / 2018

Large Scale Rollout of Smart Grid Services

Kintzler, Florian and Gawron-Deutsch, Tobias and Cejka, Stephan and Schulte, Judith and Uslar, Mathias and Veith, Eric and Piatkowska, Ewa and Smith, Paul and Kupzog, Friederich and Henrik Sandberg, Michelle Chong and others; IEEE IoT Week 2018, Global IoT Summit, Bilbao; 2018

Model-driven Requirements Engineering Using RAMI 4.0 Based Visualizations

Uslar, Mathias and Hanna, Sebastian; Modellierung 2018- AQEMO: Adequacy of Modeling Methods; 2018

Reifegradmodell - Konzeption für netzdienliche IKT

Agnetha Flore; Mathias Uslar; Postersession des 2. Statusseminar "Zukunftsfähige Stromnetze"; November / 2018

Smart grid digitalization in Germany by standardized advanced metering infrastructure and green button

Jürgen Meister, Norman Ihle, Sebastian Lehnhoff & Mathias Uslar; Application of Smart Grid Technologies; 05 / 2018

Smart Grid Security Method: Consolidating Requirements Using a Systematic Approach

Marie Clausen, Marion Gottschalk, Sebastian Hanna, Christina Kronberg, Christine Rosinger, Maike Rosinger, Judith Schulte, Johann Schütz, Mathias Uslar; CIRED WORKSHOP 2018 proceedings "Microgrids and local energy communities"; June / 2018

Structured workflow achieving interoperable Smart Energy systems

Marion Gottschalk, Gerald Franzl, Matthias Frohner, Richard Pasteka, Mathias Uslar; Energy Informatics; October / 2018

Study on the Evaluation of Risks of Cyber-Incidents and on Costs of preventing Cyber-Incidents in the Energy Sector

Fischer, Lars and Uslar, Mathias and Morrill, Doug and Döring, Michael and Haesen, Edwin; ENER/B3/2017-465, Study for the European Commission by ecofys, Navigant and OFFIS; 10 / 2018

Support for setting up a Smart Readiness Indicator for buildings and related impact assessment: final report for EC DG Energy

Verbeke, Stijn and Ma, Yixiao and Van Tichelen, Paul and Bogaert, Sarah and Gómez Onate, Virginia and Waide, Paul and Bettgenhäuser, Kjell and Ashok, John and Hermelink, Andreas and Offermann, Markus and others; 2018

Teaching Domain-Specific Requirements Engineering to Industry: Applying Lego Serious Play to Smart Grids

Uslar, Mathias and Hanna, Sebastian; SE 2018 - ISEE 2018: 1st Workshop on Innovative Software Engineering Education; 2018

Towards a Standards-Based Domain Specific Language for Industry 4.0 Architectures

Binder, Christoph and Neureiter, Christian and Lastro, Goran and Uslar, Mathias and Lieber, Peter; International Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management; 2018

Use Case methodology: a progress report

Marie Clausen, Rolf Apel, Marc Dorchain, Matthias Postina and Mathias Uslar; Proceedings of the 7th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics; 10 / 2018


Case Studies

Christina Delfs; Marion Gottschalk; Mathias Uslar; The Use Case and Smart Grid Architecture Model Approach; 1 / 2017

Future Applications of the Results from the EU M/490 Mandate

Christian Delfs; Marion Gottschalk; Mathias Uslar; The Use Case and Smart Grid Architecture Model Approach; 1 / 2017

Introduction to the Domains Smart Grid and AAL

Christina Delfs; Marion Gottschalk; Mathias Uslar; The Use Case and Smart Grid Architecture Model Approach; 1 / 2017

New Control Functions for IEC 61850

Julia Masurkewitz-Möller; Thomas Kumm; Mathias Uslar; Wolfgang Friedrich; Proceedings of the INDIN 2017; 08 / 2017

Simulation: A Case for Interoperability based on LCIM

Mathias Uslar; Judith Schulte; Davood Babazadeh; Florian Schlögl; Maike Rosinger; Proceeding of the INDIN 2017; 8 / 2017

Smart grid architecture - key elements and definitions

Sebastian Lehnhoff; Mathias Uslar; Communication, Control and Security Challenges for the Smart Grid; 2 / 2017

Smart Grid Interoperability Profiles Development

Matthias Frohner, Marion Gottschalk, Gerald Franzl, Richard Pasteka, Mathias Uslar, Stefan Sauermann; IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications; 10 / 2017

Solving Interoperabtility Problems using Standard-based Profiles

Matthias Frohner; Marion Gottschalk; Georg Franzl; Karl Knöbl; Mathias Uslar; Stefan Sauermann; Angela Berger; Postersession der SESWA 2017 Graz; 8 / 2017

System-of-systems: How the maritime domain can learn from the Smart Grid

Benjamin Weinert, Mathias Uslar, Axel Hahn; 2017 International Symposium ELMAR; September / 2017

The Smart Grid Architecture Model SGAM

Christina Delfs; Marions Gottschalk; Mathias Uslar; The Use Case and Smart Grid Architecture Model Approach; 1 / 2017

Tool-Support: A Use Case Management Repository

Christina Delfs; Marion Gottschalk; Mathias Uslar; The Use Case and Smart Grid Architecture Model Approach; 1 / 2017

uGrip - Microgrid Positioning

Mathias Uslar, Judith Schulte; Davood Babazadeh; Florian Schlögl; Carsten Krüger; Maike Rosinger; Postersession der SESWA 2017 Graz; 9 / 2017

Use Cases - The IEC 62559 Methodology

Christina Delfs; Marion Gottschalk; Mathias Uslar; The Use Case and Smart Grid Architecture Model Approach; 1 / 2017

§ 24: Zertifizierung des Smart Meter Gateway

Christine Rosinger; Mathias Uslar; Messstellenbetriebsgesetz (Hrsg. v. Steinbach, Armin / Weise, Michael); 12 / 2017

§ 25: Smart-Meter-Gateway-Administrator; Zertifizierung

Christine Rosinger; Mathias Uslar; Messstellenbetriebsgesetz (Hrsg. v. Steinbach, Armin / Weise, Michael); 12 / 2017

§ 26: Aufrechterhaltung eines einheitlichen Sicherheitsniveaus

Christine Rosinger; Mathias Uslar; Messstellenbetriebsgesetz (Hrsg. v. Steinbach, Armin / Weise, Michael); 12 / 2017

§ 27: Weiterentwicklung von Schutzprofilen und Technischen Richtlinien; Ausschuss Gateway-Standardisierung

Christine Rosinger; Mathias Uslar; Messstellenbetriebsgesetz (Hrsg. v. Steinbach, Armin / Weise, Michael); 12 / 2017

§ 28: Inhaber der Wurzelzertifikate

Christine Rosinger; Mathias Uslar; Messstellenbetriebsgesetz (Hrsg. v. Steinbach, Armin / Weise, Michael); 12 / 2017

§ 30: Technische Möglichkeit des Einbaus von intelligenten Messystemen und modernen Messeinrichtungen

Christine Rosinger; Mathias Uslar; Messstellenbetriebsgesetz (Hrsg. v. Steinbach, Armin / Weise, Michael); 12 / 2017


Mathias Uslar; Michael Specht; Christian Dänekas; Jörn Trefke; Sebastian Rohjans; Jose M. Gonzalez; Christine Rosinger; Robert Bleiker; 12 / 2017



A concept for engineering smart grid security requirements based on SGAM models

Neureiter, Christian and Eibl, Günther and Engel, Dominik and Schlegel, Stefanie and Uslar, Mathias; Computer Science-Research and Development; 2016

A Standards-based Approach for Domain Specific Modelling of Smart Grid System Architectures

Neureiter, Christian and Uslar, Mathias and Engel, Dominik and Lastro, Goran; Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), Kongsberg, Norway; 2016

Aligning IT Architecture Analysis and Security Standards for Smart Grids

Uslar, Mathias and Rosinger, Christine and Schlegel, Stefanie and Santodomingo-Berry, Rafael; Advances and New Trends in Environmental and Energy Informatics; 2016

An Open Source 3D Visualization for the RAMI 4.0 Reference Model

Mathias Uslar, Andre Göring, Roland Heidel, Christian Neureiter, Dominik Engel, Stefan Schulte; Proceedings from VDE-Kongress 2016 - Internet der Dinge; 11 / 2016

Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung: RASSA-Stakeholderprozess

Berger, A. and Meisel, M. and LAnger, L. and Litzlbauer, M. and Uslar, Mathias; 2016

Cyber Security - Ausblick auf zukünftige Konzepte für den sicheren Systembetrieb in einem digitalen Stromsystem

Döring, Michael and Burger, Karsten and Uslar, Mathias; 3. Konferenz: zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien; 2016

Domain Specific and Model Based Systems Engineering in the Smart Grid as Prerequesite for Security by Design

Neureiter, Christian and Engel, Dominik and Uslar, Mathias; Electronics; 2016

Energy goes ICT: das SGAM - Smart Grid Architecture Model

Uslar, Mathias; e&i: Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik; 2016

Evaluation of Communication-Interoperability in Smart Grids

Marie van Amelsvoort, Mathias Uslar; VDE-Kongress 2016 - Internet der Dinge; 11 / 2016

IEC 61970 for Energy Management System Integration

Santodomingo, Rafael and Uslar, Mathias and Specht, Michael, Rohjans, Sebastian and Taylor, Gareth and Pantea, Stefan and Bradley, Martin and McMorran, Alan; Smart Grid Handbook; 2016

IEC61968/61970/62325 CIM

Uslar, Mathias and Specht, Michael and Rohjans, Sebastian and Trefke, Jörn and Gonzalez, Jose; 2016

Messen, Bewerten und Vergleichen: Visualisierung als Projektcockpit im Smart Grid Projekt DISCERN

Rosinger, Maike and Uslar, Mathias and Santodomingo, Rafael and Birch, Alan and Itschert, Lutz and Spanka, Katrin; Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien; 2016

Modeling of intelligent network technologies with the Smart Grid Architecture Model for a cost-benefit analysis

Marie van Amelsvoort, Mathias Uslar; VDE-Kongress 2016 - Internet der Dinge; 11 / 2016

Reduction of Topological Connectivity Information in Electric Power Grids

Prostejovsky, Alexander and Gehrke, Oliver and Marinelli, Mattia and Uslar, Mathias; 2016 Proceedings of the 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference; 2016

Schutz- und Sicherheitsanalyse im Rahmen der Entwicklung von Smart Grids in der Schweiz

Mathias Uslar, Marie Antoinette van Amelsvoort, Christina Delfs, Dominik Engel, Christian Neureiter, Christian Nabe; 7 / 2016

Smart Energy Grid - Coordination Group Cyber Security & Privacy (SEG-CG/CSP Report)

Dondossola, Giovanna and Fries, Steffen and Engel, Dominik and Neureiter, Christian and Terrugia, Roberta and Uslar, Mathias; 12 / 2016

The DISCERN Tool Support for Knowledge Sharing in large Smart Grid Projects

Santodomingo, Rafael and Uslar, Mathias and Gottschalk, Marion and Göring, André and Nordström, Lars and Valdenmaiier, Georgii; CIRED Workshop 2016, Helsinki; 2016

Towards modeling future energy infrastructures-the ELECTRA system engineering approach

Uslar, Mathias and Heussen, Kai; Proceedings of 2016 Ieee Pes Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe; 2016



A survey on application of maturity models for smart grid: Review of the state-of -the-art

Julia Masurkewitz-MöllerDr. Mathias Uslar; EnviroInfo & ICT4S, Conference Proceedings (Part 1) ; 7 / 2015

A Use Case methodology to handle conflicting controller requirements for future power systems

Kai Heussen, Mathias Uslar, Carlo Tornelli; Proceedings of the EDST 2015 Vienna; 9 / 2015

Application of the Interoperability Score in the Smart Grid domain

Marie van Amelsvoort, Christina Delfs, Mathias Uslar; Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2015 IEEE 13th International Conference on; 7 / 2015

China’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

Gert Brunekreeft, Marius Buchmann, Christian Dänekas, André Föring, Xin GUO, Andre Herrmann, Ray Kodali, Till Luhmann, Christoph Mayer, Tobias Menz, Marcus Merkel, Paul Recknagel, Christian Rehtanz, Michael Stadler, Mathias Uslar, Nils Vogel; 6 / 2015

Conceptual framework and background

Gert Brunekreeft, Marius Buchmann, Christian Dänekas, André Föring, Xin GUO, Andre Herrmann, Ray Kodali, Till Luhmann, Christoph Mayer, Tobias Menz, Marcus Merkel, Paul Recknagel, Christian Rehtanz, Michael Stadler, Mathias Uslar, Nils Vogel; 6 / 2015

Ein Use Case Management Repository zur Unterstützung der Normungsarbeit

Marion Gottschalk, Mathias Uslar; Proceedings der Mensch & Computer 2015 Stuttgart; 9 / 2015

Energy Informatics: Definition, State-of-the-art and new horizons

Mathias Uslar; Proceedings der ComForEn 2015 Vienna; 9 / 2015

Evaluation of communication interoperability in Smart Grids

Marie van Amelsvoort, Mathias Uslar; 5 / 2015

Evaluation of the Interoperability Score in the Smart Grid domain

Marie van Amelsvoort, Christina Delfs, Mathias Uslar; EST 2015 Book of Abstracts; 2015

Extending the SGAM for Electric Vehicles

Mathias Uslar, Marion Gottschalk; Proceedings des ETG Kongress 2015; 11 / 2015

Germany’s way from conventional power grids towards smart grids

Gert Brunekreeft, Marius Buchmann, Christian Dänekas, André Föring, Xin GUO, Andre Herrmann, Ray Kodali, Till Luhmann, Christoph Mayer, Tobias Menz, Marcus Merkel, Paul Recknagel, Christian Rehtanz, Michael Stadler, Mathias Uslar, Nils Vogel; 6 / 2015


Gert Brunekreeft, Marius Buchmann, Christian Dänekas, André Föring, Xin GUO, Andre Herrmann, Ray Kodali, Till Luhmann, Christoph Mayer, Tobias Menz, Marcus Merkel, Paul Recknagel, Christian Rehtanz, Michael Stadler, Mathias Uslar, Nils Vogel; 6 / 2015

Looking for the unified classification and evaluation approach of SG interface standards for the purposes of ELECTRA IRP

Angelo Frascella, Jacek Swiderski, Gianluigi Proserpio, Evangelos Rikos, Armagan Termiz, Aleksander Babs, Mathias USlar, Samuele branchetti, Giorgio Graditi; EDST 2015 Proceedings Vienna ; 9 / 2015

Recommended approaches for smart grid development in China

Gert Brunekreeft, Marius Buchmann, Christian Dänekas, André Föring, Xin GUO, Andre Herrmann, Ray Kodali, Till Luhmann, Christoph Mayer, Tobias Menz, Marcus Merkel, Paul Recknagel, Christian Rehtanz, Michael Stadler, Mathias Uslar, Nils Vogel; 6 / 2015

Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China

Gert BRUNEKREEFT, Marius BUCHMANN, Christian DÄNEKAS, André GÖRING, Xin GUO, Andre HERRMANN, Ray KODALI, Till LUHMANN, Christoph MAYER, Tobias MENZ, Marcus MERKEL, Paul RECKNAGEL, Christian REHTANZ, Michael STADLER, Mathias USLAR, Nils VOGEL; 6 / 2015

Regulatory pathways for smart grid development in China

Gert Brunekreeft, Marius Buchmann, Christian Dänekas, André Föring, Xin GUO, Andre Herrmann, Ray Kodali, Till Luhmann, Christoph Mayer, Tobias Menz, Marcus Merkel, Paul Recknagel, Christian Rehtanz, Michael Stadler, Mathias Uslar, Nils Vogel; 6 / 2015

Rule-Based Data TRansformations in Electricity Smart Grids

Rafael Santodomingo, Mathias Uslar, Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Mondejar, Miguel Angel Sanz-Bobis; Proceedings des 9th International RuleML Symposium 2015, Berlin; 9 / 2015

Smart grids in Germany: How much ICT is needed at planning time?

Jens Büchner, Jörg Katzfey, Ole Flörcken, Alber Moser, Henning Schuster, Sebastian Dierkes, Tobias van Leeuwen, Lukas Verheggen, Marie van Amelsvoort, Mathias Uslar; EDST 2015 Proceedings Vienna; 9 / 2015

Smart Nord Final Report

Sebastian Lehnhoff, Marita Blank, Robert Bleiker, Thole Klingenberg, Klaus Piech, Mathias Uslar, Walter Schumacher, Mauro Calabria, Axel Mertens, René Dietz, Felix Fuchs; 4 / 2015

Smart Nord Final Report

Christine Rosinger, Mathias Uslar; 4 / 2015

Smart Nord Final Report

Robert Bleiker, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Klaus Piech, Mathias Uslar; 4 / 2015

Smart Nord Final Report

Sebastian Lehnhoff, Marita Blank, Rober Bleiker, Thole Klingenberg, Klaus Piech, Mathias Uslar, Walter Schumacher, Mauro Calabria, Axel mertens, rene Dietz, Felix Fuchs; 4 / 2015

Smart Nord Final Report

Michael Sonnenschein, H.-Jürgen Apelrath, Wolf-Rüdiger Canders, Markus henke, Mathias Uslar, Sebastian beer, Jörg Bremer, Ontje Lünsdorf, Astris Nieße, Jan-Hendrik Psola, Christine Rosinger; 4 / 2015

Stepping Up: a methodological way from security models to security maturity for Smart grids

Mathias Uslar, Julia Masurkewitz, Christine Rosinger, Christina Delfs; Pretsels Workshop Salzburg 2015; 9 / 2015

Supporting the Develeopment of Smart Cities using a Use Case Methodology

Marion Gottschalk, Mathias Uslar; Proceedings of the WWW15 Workshops Florence 2015; 5 / 2015

Towards generic reference designation: how to learn from Smart Grid Interoperability

Mathias Uslar, Dominik Engel; Poster Proceedings of DACH Energy Informatics 2015; 11 / 2015



Addressing the Complexity of Distributed Smart City Systems by Utilization of Model Driven Engineering Concepts

C. Neureiter, S. Rohjans, D. Engel, C.Dänekas, M. Uslar; VDE-Kongress 2014; 10 / 2014

Aligning IT Architecture Analysis and Security Standards for Smart grids

Stefanie Schlegel, Christine Rosinger und Mathias Uslar; Proceedings of the 28th EnviroInfo 2014 Conference; 9 / 2014

Anwendung des NISTIR 7628 für Informationssicherheit im Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM)

Mathias Uslar, Christine Rosinger und Stefanie Schlegel; Tagungsband: VDE-Kongress 2014 Smart Cities; 10 / 2014

Applying the Smart Grid Architecture Model SGAM to the EV Domain

Uslar, Mathias and Trefke, Jörn; Proceedings of the 28th EnviroInfo 2014 Conference; 9 / 2014

Applying the Use Case Methodology to Smart Cities

Marion Gottschalk, André Göring, Mathias Uslar; VDE-Kongress 2014 - Smart Cities - Intelligente Lösungen für das Leben in der Zukunft; 2014

Data Access Point Manager - definierte Informationsflüsse im intelligenten Energieversorgungssystems der Zukunft

Felix Korb, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Christoph Mayer, Mathias Uslar; VDE Kongress; 11 / 2014

Data Access Point Manager - Information for Technical Operations and Markets

Felix Korb, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Christoph Mayer, Mathias Uslar; SMARTER-EUROPE 2014; 2 / 2014

Data Access-Point Manager – definierte Informationsflüsse für Betriebsführung und Markt

Felix Korb, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Christoph Mayer und Mathias Uslar; Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen; 3 / 2014

Durchgängige Werkzeugunterstützung für das EU Mandat M/490: Vom Anwendungsfall bis zur Visualisierung

Dänekas, Christian and Engel, Dominik and Neureiter, Christian and Rohjans, Sebastian and Trefke, Jörn and Uslar, Mathias; VDE-Kongress 2014; 10 / 2014

Future Business Clouds: Ein Beitrag zum Zukunftsprojekt Internetbasierte Dienste für die Wirtschaft

Stefan Gudenkauf, Ulrike Steffens, Mathias Uslar, Mirco Josefiok, André Göring, Oliver Norkus, Jakob Rohde; 02 / 2014

Informationssicherheit als Vertrauenswürdigkeitsfacette für selbstorganisierende Energieagenten

Christine Rosinger, Mathias Uslar, Jürgen Sauer; Tagungsband: VDE-Kongress 2014 Smart Cities; 10 / 2014

Moderne Verteilernetze für Deutschland (Verteilernetzstudie)

Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi, Hrsg.); 2014

Multi-Utility CIM im Bereich der Gas-, Wärme-, und Wasserwirtschaft

Mathias Uslar, Sebastian Rohjans; VDE-Kongress 2014; 10 / 2014

Ontology matching system for future energy smart grids

R. Santodomingo, S. Rohjans, M. Uslar, J.A. Rodríguez-Mondéjar, M.A. Sanz-Bobi; Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence; 6 / 2014

Security by Design for the Smart Grid: Combining the SGAM and NISTIR 7628

Mathias Uslar, Christine Rosinger und Stefanie Schlegel; 2014 IEEE 38th Annual International Computers, Software and Applications Conference Workshops; 7 / 2014

SGAM-based methodology to analyse Smart Grid solutions

Rafael Santodomingo, Mathias Uslar, André Goring, Marion Gottschalk, Lars Nordstrom, Arshad Saleem, Moustafa Chenine; Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2014 IEEE International; 5 / 2014

Towards a Model-Driven-Architecture Process for Smart Grid Projects

Dänekas, Christian and Neureiter, Christian and Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias and Engel, Dominik; Digital Enterprise Design & Management DED&M 2014; 2 / 2014

Towards Consistent Smart Grid Architecture Tool Support: From Use Cases to Visualization

Neureiter, Christian and Engel, Dominik and Trefke, Jörn and Santodomingo, Rafael and Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias; 5th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe; 10 / 2014

Using Information Security as a Facet of Trustworthiness for Self-Organizing Agents in Energy Coalition Formation Processes

Christine Rosinger , Mathias Uslar, Jürgen Sauer; Proceedings of the 28th EnviroInfo 2014 Conference; 9 / 2014


An Overview on Recommendations for a Technical Smart Grid Infrastructure

Beenken, Petra and Bleiker, Robert and Gonzalez, Jose and Rohjans, Sebastian and Specht, Michael and Trefke, Jörn and Uslar, Mathias; Security and Privacy in Smart Grids; 05 / 2013

Analyzing the Need for a Common Modeling Language for Smart Grid Applications

Andren, Filip and Strasser, Thomas and Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias; 07 / 2013

Automation for the Smart Grid: IEC 61850 - Substation Automation and DER Communication

Uslar, Mathias and Bleiker, Robert; Standardization in Smart Grids: Introduction to IT-Related Methodologies, Architectures and Standards; 01 / 2013

Facilitating the Automatic Mapping of IEC 61850 Signals and CIM Measurements

Santodomingo, Rafael and Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias and Rodríguez-Mondéjar, José A. and Sanz-Bobi, Miguel A.; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems; 07 / 2013

International Smart Grid Roadmaps and their Assessment

Specht, Michael and Rohjans, Sebastian and Trefke, Jörn and Uslar, Mathias and González, José M.; EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web; 03 / 2013

Smart Grid Architecture Model Use Case Management in a large European Smart Grid Project

Trefke, Jörn and Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Nordström, Lars and Saleem, Arshad; Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), 2013 4th IEEE/PES; 10 / 2013

Smart Grid Security: IEC 62351 and Other Relevant Standards

Rosinger, Christine and Uslar, Mathias; 1 / 2013

Standardization in Smart Grids

Uslar, Mathias and Specht, Michael and Dänekas, Christian and Trefke, Jörn and Rohjans, Sebastian and Gonzalez, Jose and Rosinger, Christine and Bleiker, Robert; 1 / 2013

Threat Scenarios to evaluate Trustworthiness of Multi-agents in the Energy Data Management

Rosinger, Christine and Uslar, Mathias and Sauer, Jürgen; 09 / 2013



An Application of Multiperspective Service Management in Virtual Power Plants

Postina, Matthias and Rohjans, Sebastian and Specht, Michael and Steffens, Ulrike and Trefke, Jörn and Uslar, Mathias; Communication and Networking in Smart Grids; 05 / 2012

Betrachtung internationaler Standards im Rahmen der Referenzarchitektur

Uslar, Mathias and Specht, Michael and Bleiker, Robert; IT-Architekturentwicklung im Smart Grid - Perspektiven für eine sichere markt- und standardbasierte Integration erneuerbarer Energie; 06 / 2012

Dezentrale und selbstorganisierte Koordination in Smart Grids

Sonnenschein, M. and Appelrath, H.-J. and Hofmann, L. and Kurrat, M. and Lehnhoff, S. and Mayer, C. and Mertens, A. and Uslar, M. and Nieße, A. and Tröschel, M.; Tagungsband VDE-Kongress 2012; 11 / 2012

Elektromobilität: Geschäftsmodelle, Kommunikation und Steuerung

Mayer, Christoph; Tröschel, Martin; Uslar, Mathias;; 2012

Energieinformationsnetze und -systeme - Teil A – Verteilungsnetzautomatisierung im Smart Grid - Konzepte, Architekturen und Technologien

Benze, J. and Blechinger, T. and Diedrich, C. and Hänchen, H. and Honecker, H. and Hübner, C. and Khattabi, M. and Kießling, A. and Krings, H. and Lehnert, R. and Lehnhoff, S. and Reinhardt, A. and Rohjans, S. and Stein, E. and Steinmetz, R. and Tretter, R. and Uslar, M.; 11 / 2012

Hybrid Grids: ICT-based Integration of Electric Power and Gas Grids - A Standards Perspective

Uslar, Mathias and Andren, Filip and Mahnke, Wolfgang and Rohjans, Sebastian and Stifter, Matthias and Strasser, Thomas; 10 / 2012

Market-Based Self-Organized Provision of Active Power and Ancillary Services

Nieße, Astrid and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Tröschel, Martin and Uslar, Mathias and Wissing, Carsten and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen and Sonnenschein, Michael ; Proceedings of IEEE COMPENG2012; 6 / 2012

OPC Unified Architecture: A Service-Oriented Architecture for Smart Grids

Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias and Mahnke, Wolfgang; 06 / 2012

Reputationssysteme für selbstorganisierte Multi-Agenten-Systeme in Energiemanagementsystemen

Rosinger, Christine and Uslar, Mathias and Hockmann, Florian; 11 / 2012

Requirements for Smart Grid ICT Architectures

Rohjans, Sebastian and Dänekas, Christian and Uslar, Mathias; 10 / 2012

SeMo-TS: Testing OPC UA Server Models in Simulated Environments

Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Rusinov, Plamen M. ; 10 / 2012

Smart Grid-IT-Architekturen: Stand und Ausblick

Beenken, Petra and Uslar, Mathias; IT-Architekturentwicklung im Smart Grid - Perspektiven für eine sichere markt- und standardbasierte Integration erneuerbarer Energie; 06 / 2012

Standardisation Management with Use Cases

Trefke, Jörn and González Vázquez, José Manuel and Uslar, Mathias; 2012 IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition (ENERGYCON 2012); 9 / 2012

Supporting Interoperability in Smart Grids

González V., José M. and Dänekas, Christian and Trefke, Jörn and Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications, I-ESA 2012; 4 / 2012

Technical Requirements for DER Integration Architectures

Uslar, Mathias and Rohjans, Sebastian and Specht, Michael; Energy Procedia; 06 / 2012

The Common Information Model CIM: IEC 61968/61970 and 62325 - A practical introduction to the CIM

Uslar, Mathias and Specht, Michael and Rohjans, Sebastian and Trefke, Jörn and Gonzalez, Jose; The Common Information Model CIM: IEC 61968/61970 and 62325 - A practical introduction to the CIM; 01 / 2012

Towards Semantic Service Integration for Automation in Smart Grids

Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias and Specht, Michael and Nieße, Astrid and Tröschel, Martin; International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources; 4 / 2012



An Ontology-Based Method to Construct a Reference Model Catalogue for the Energy Sector

González V., José M. and Uslar, Mathias; Semantic Technologies for Business and Information Systems Engineering: Concepts and Applications; 10 / 2011

CIMbaT - Automated Generation of CIM-based OPC UA-Address Spaces

Rohjans, Sebastian and Piech, Klaus and Uslar, Mathias and Cabadi, Jean-Francois; 2011 Second IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications; 10 / 2011

Coping with Smart Grid - Standardization and Enterprise Architecture at your Service

Postina, Matthias and Uslar, Mathias and Rohjans, Sebastian and Steffens, Ulrike ; Enterprise Interoperability - Proceedings of the Workshops of the third International IFIP Working Conference IWEI 2011; 07 / 2011

Das Standardisierungsumfeld im Smart Grid - Roadmap und Outlook

Uslar, Mathias and Rohjans, Sebastian and Specht, Michael and González, José M. and Trefke, Jörn ; e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik; 05 / 2011

Definition von Use Cases in der Normung - Basis für eine aktive Beteiligung privater Haushalte im Smart Grid

Kellendonk, Peter and Kießling, Andreas and Uslar, Mathias and Trefke, Jörn and Gonzalez, Jose M. and Stein, Johannes; Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2011; 11 / 2011

IEC 61850 based OPC UA Communication - The Future of Smart Grid Automation

Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Mahnke, Wolfgang and Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias; 08 / 2011

New Applications of the Common Information Model

Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias and Piech, Klaus and Cabadi, Jean-Francois and Santodomingo, Rafael; 09 / 2011

Smart Integration of Electric Vehicles

Nieße, Astrid and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Tröschel, Martin and Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings; 10 / 2011

Towards an Adaptive Maturity Model for Smart Grids

Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias and Cleven, Anne and Winter, Robert and Wortmann, Felix ; 08 / 2011

Towards the Automatic Alignment of CIM and SCL Ontologies

Santodomingo, Rafael and Rodríguez-Mondéjar, José Antonio and Sanz-Bobi, Miguel Ángel and Rohjans, Sebastian and Uslar, Mathias; 2011 Second IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications; 10 / 2011



Die deutsche Normungsroadmap E-Energy/Smart Grid

Stein, Johannes and Die deutsche Normungsroadmap E-Energy/Smart Grid ; 04 / 2010

Energieinformationsnetze und -systeme - Bestands-aufnahme und Entwicklungstendenzen

Benze, Diedrich, Honecker, Hübner, Jagstaidt, Khattabi, Kießling, Kopp, Krings, Lehnhoff, Speh, Stein, Uslar, Wittpahl; 07 / 2010

IKT – Integration für Elektromobilität in einem zukünftigen Smart Grid

Mayer, Christoph and Uslar, Mathias and Suding, Thomas and Weidelt, Tobias; 11 / 2010

Marktübersicht Kommunikation/Steuerung - Elektrofahrzeuge intelligent am Netz (ELAN2020)

Arnold, Gunter and Bülo, Thorsten and Degner, Thomas and Markus Landau, Markus and Mayer, Christoph and Nauck, Enrico and Bukvic-Schäfer, Sasa and Schütte, Steffen and Uslar, Mathias and Weidelt, Tobias; 07 / 2010

Survey of Smart Grid Standardization Studies and Recommendations

; 2010 First IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications; 10 / 2010

Transition Paths Towards a Smarter Electric Grid

Mayer, Christoph and Uslar, Mathias; 09 / 2010

Views on Service Oriented Architectures in the Context of Smart Grids

Postina, Matthias and Rohjans, Sebastian and Steffens, Ulrike and Uslar, Mathias; 2010 First IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications; 10 / 2010



A Use Case for Ontology Evolution and Interoperability: The IEC Utility Standards Reference Framework 62357

Uslar, Mathias and Grüning, Fabian and Rohjans, Sebastian; Cases on Semantic Interoperability for Information Systems Integration: Practices and Applications; 10 / 2009

Die eTelligence-Referenzarchitektur - Eine standardbasierte Architektur für regionale Strommärkte

Beer, Sebastian and Bischofs, Ludger and Pries, Christine and Uslar, Mathias and Nieße, Astrid and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen and Rohr, Matthias and Stadler, Michael; Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2009; 10 / 2009

Ontology-based Integration of the Heterogeneous Standards IEC 61970 and 61850

Uslar, Mathias and Rohjans, Sebastian; Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2009 Fachtagung 1: Intelligente Netze / Fachtagung 2: Leistungselektronik in Netzen / Vorträge der Internationalen ETG-Kongresses vom 27. bis 28. Oktober 2009 in Düsseldorf ETG-Fachbericht Band 118; 10 / 2009

Untersuchung des Normungsumfeldes zum BMWi-Förderschwerpunkt

Beenken, Petra and Busemann, Claas and Gonzalez, Jose and Kamenik, Jens and Mayer, Christoph and Nieße, Astrid and Rohjans, Sebastian and Specht, Michael and Uslar, Mathias and Weidelt, Tobias and Hein, Franz and Schmedes, Tanja and Schwarz, Karlheinz; 02 / 2009



Building the Semantic Utility with Standards and Semantic Web Services

Uslar, Matthias and Rohjans, Sebastian and Schulte, Stefan and Steinmetz, Ralf; On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008 Workshops; 11 / 2008

Model Driven Software Development: Integrating Quality Assurance

Abels, Sven and Hasselbring, Wilhelm and Streekmann, Niels and Uslar, Mathias; 01 / 2008



Annotating and Integrating Legacy RDBMSs for the Utility Domain

Grüning, Fabian and Uslar, Mathias; EnviroInfo 2007, Environmental Informatics and Systems Research; 01 / 2007

Das CIM als Integrationsstandard für Versorger

Uslar, Mathias; EMISA Forum 27(1); 01 / 2007

Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy rely on Power and Information Grids

Schmedes, Tanja and Tröschel, Martin and Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings of the 2007 POWERGRID Europe Conference, Session on Connecting DG and Renewables to the Grid; 1 / 2007

Distributed Power Generation: Requirements and Recommendations for an ICT Architecture

Winkels, Ludger and Osterloh, Jan-Patrick and Gruening, Fabian and Boers, Dave and Tröschel, Martin and Schmedes, Tanja and Uslar, Mathias; Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering - ITEE 2007 - Third International ICSC Symposium; 1 / 2007

Implementing and Evaluating the Common Information Model in a Relational and RDF-based Database

Uslar, M. and Schulte, S. and Berbner, Rainer and Steinmetz, Ralf; Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering - ITEE 2007 - Third International ICSC Symposium; 03 / 2007

MDA-basierte Kopplung heterogener Informationssysteme im EVU-Sektor - ein Framework

Uslar, Mathias and Streekmann, Nils and Abels, Sven; eOrganisation: Service-, Prozess-, Market-Engineering; 01 / 2007

Zur semantischen Interoperabilität in der Energiebranche: CIM IEC 61970

Uslar, Mathias and Grüning, Fabian; 11 / 2007



Das Common Information Model CIM und seine Nutzung für EAI in Energieversorgungsunternehmen

Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings der XML-Tage 2006 in Berlin; 09 / 2006

Grundlagen zum Themenkomplex des Projektes M-WISE

Gronau, Norbert and Uslar, Mathias and Winkler, Torsten; M-WISE: Modellierung wissensintensiver Prozesse im Software Engineering; 11 / 2006

RDF-basierte Darstellung und Austausch von Stromnetzmodellen mittels eines Differenzmodells

Uslar, Mathias and Dahlem, Nikolai; Proceedings der XML-Tage 2006 in Berlin; 09 / 2006

The Common Information model for utilities: An Introduction and Outlook on Future Applications

Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings der XML-Tage 2006 in Berlin; 09 / 2006



Bewertung und Selektion konkurrierender Standards

Abels, Sven and Hahn, Axel and Uslar, Mathias; INFORMATIK 2005: Informatik LIVE!, Band 2, Beiträge der 35 Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 01 / 2005

Eine serviceorientierte Architektur für das dezentrale Energiemanagement

Uslar, Mathias and Schmedes, Tanja and Luhmann, Till and Appelrath, H.-J.; INFORMATIK 2005: Informatik LIVE!, Band 2, Beiträge der 35 Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 09 / 2005

General conditions and solutions for Enterprise Application integration (EAI) at power system companies

Uslar, Mathias and Schmedes, Tanja; Poster Session of the Energy Convention Groningen 2005, EDReC Groningen 2005; 01 / 2005

Institutionalization of a general electronic democracy through electronic democratic parties - a general concept with focus on Germany

Gronau, Norbert and Weber, Edzard and Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS '05), Wailea, Maui, HI; 01 / 2005

Integrationsplattform für dezentrales Energiemanagement

Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen and Schmedes, Tanja and Uslar, Mathias; 01 / 2005

Interaction of EMS related systems by using the CIM standard

Uslar, Mathias and Schmedes, Tanja and Lucks, Andreas and Luhmann, Till and Winkels, Ludger and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen; Proceedings of the ITEE 2005 Magdeburg; 09 / 2005

M-WISE: Modellierung wissensintensiver Prozesse im Software Engineering

Gronau, Norbert and Uslar, Mathias and Winkler, Torsten; Tagungsband der Eröffnungskonferenz der BMBF Forschungsoffensive Software Engineering 2006; 01 / 2005

Organizational learning via case studies in software migration projetcs

Thaden, Eike and Bischofs, Ludger and Uslar, Mathias and Reussner, Ralf; 01 / 2005

Organizational Learning via Case Studies in Software Projects

Thaden, Eike and Bischofs, Ludger and Uslar, Mathias and Reussner, Ralf; INFORMATIK 2005: Informatik LIVE!, Band 2, Beiträge der 35 Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 09 / 2005

Rahmenbedingungen und Lösungen für Enterprise Application Integration bei EVU

Uslar, Mathias and Schmedes, Tanja and Luhmann, Till; 05 / 2005

Semantic Interoperability within the Power Systems Domain

Uslar, M.; Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Systems in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Inf; 01 / 2005

The KMDL Knowledge Management Approach: Integrating Knowledge Conversions and Business Process Modeling

Gronau, Norbert and Müller, Claudia and Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM 2004); 01 / 2005

Using Process Modeling for Well-directed Distribution of Knowledge Assets

Steffens, Ulrike and Uslar, Mathias; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management I-Know 2005, Graz; 01 / 2005

Wissensinfrastrukturen für ein projektorientiertes Wissensmanagement

Steffens, Ulrike and Uslar, Mathias; Wissens- und Werte-Management in Theorie und Praxis; 12 / 2005

Wissensinfrastukturen für ein projektorientiertes Wissensmanagement

Steffens, Ulrike and Uslar, Mathias; Wissens- und Werte-Management in Theorie und Praxis; 01 / 2005



Amatex - Amazon meets BibTex

Abels, Sven and Uslar, Mathias and Beenken, Petra; 01 / 2004

KMDL: Eine Sprache zur Modellierung wissensintensiver Prozesse nach dem SECI-Modell

Gronau, Norbert and Müller, Claudia and Uslar, Mathias and Winkler, Torsten and Weber, Edzard; Proceedings des GI-Fachgruppentreffen Wissensmanagement (FGWM 2004), 2004; 01 / 2004

Skillmanagement Potenziale - Konzepte - Werkzeuge

Gronau, Norbert and Uslar, Mathias; INFORMATIK 2004 - Informatik verbindet, Band 2, Beiträge der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Ulm, 20.-24. September 2004; 10 / 2004

Skillmanagement: Anwendungsgebiete und Erfahrungen

Gronau, Norbert and Uslar, Mathias; 01 / 2004


of Dr. Ing. Mathias Uslar



TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-Scale Demonstrations Of Innovative Grid Services through Demand Response, Storage and Small-Scale (RES) Generation

Duration: 2019 - 2022



Baukasten Energiewende - Von Einzellösungen zum effizienten System der Zukunft (sorry - only available in german)

Duration: 2017 - 2021


Distributed Intelligence for Cost-effective

and Reliable Solutions

Duration: 2013 - 2016



Dezentrale Energieversorgung im Praxistest (sorry - only available in German)

Duration: 2017 - 2021



Green Agenda - Decarbonization of the Electricity Sector in the Western Balkans

Duration: 2024 - 2025


Integrative Speichernutzung in der „Cloud“ für den Ausbau von regenerativen Energien (sorry - only available in german)

Duration: 2012 - 2016



A Cognitive Detection System For Cybersecure Operational Technologies

Duration: 2021 - 2024

IES Austria

IES - Integrating the Energy System Austria

Duration: 2016 - 2019


Integration technisch und ökonomisch optimierter Virtueller Kraftwerke (sorry - only available in german)

Duration: 2013 - 2016


Interoperability Network for the Energy Transition

Duration: 2022 - 2025


Interoperability test platform for components of the energy transition

Duration: 2024 - 2027


Semantik für das Smart Grid - S2G

(Sorry - only available in German!)

Duration: 2008 - 2011


Smart Energy Services Integrating the Multiple Benefits from Improving the Energy Efficiency of the European Building Stock

Duration: 2019 - 2023



Coordination of Transmission and Distribution data eXchanges for renewables integration in the European marketplace through Advanced, Scalable and Secure ICT Systems and Tools

Duration: 2017 - 2020



Use Cases as Basis for interdisciplinary Convergence in Smart Grid and AAL

Duration: 2013 - 2015


UML based Transformation

(sorry - only available in German)

Duration: 2012 - -0001


Untersuchung von Anforderungen, Lösungsmustern und Methoden zur Befähigung produzierender Unternehmen für GAIA-X

Duration: 2022 - 2024