The APNTR-nano project aims to research and develop a fully automated and economical manufacturing process for highly miniaturized nanosensors. This innovative new development requires a fundamental technology step change in the manufacturing process and the associated research and development of new process control algorithms and new measurement technologies.
Overall, the nanosensors are to be reduced in size by a factor of 200-500 (from a few square micrometers to a few 100 square nanometers) while retaining their innovative properties. For this purpose, the existing automated manufacturing process, including the existing sophisticated quality assurance (in-situ quality control), must be transferred from the sub-millimeter scale to the nanoscale. On these scales, new disturbances in the manufacturing process occur, which partly result from the process control and process management itself (measurement disturbs nanoscale systems!) and require highly innovative new developments.
With a successful process establishment for miniaturized NTR sensors, new, promising markets for sensor technology become accessible for the first time.
Scientific management:
Dr. A. Kaya, Nanoscale Systems GmbH
Prof. Dr. Sergej Fatikow, University of Oldenburg