The stated European goals 2020+ and in particular 2050 are not achievable without radical change of the existing power system paradigm. In order to ensure reliable control over the power grid, also distributed generators and loads should be controlled in a way that increases the predictability of the maximum power imbalance as perceived system-wide by the TSO’s. Therefore, one could view the real time operation of future power systems as composed of “vertical integration” of control schemes reinforced by “horizontal integration” of distributed control schemes. Thus, the ELECTRA consortium sets out to develop and test vertically-integrated control schemes reinforced with horizontally-distributed control schemes to provide for a dynamic power balance that is closer to its equilibrium value than a conventional central control scheme. This enables grid operators to ensure control in a future power system with a high share of decentralised generations.
Lüers, Bengt and Blank, Marita and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics; 2016
Blair, SM and Burt, GM and Lof, A and Hänninen, S and Kedra, B and Kosmecki, M and Merino, J and Belloni, FR and Pala, D and Valov, M and others; 2017 CIGRE B5 Colloquium; 2017
GA: 609687