InterMedia Interactive Media with Personal Networked Devices


The convergence of end devices for audio-visual media surpasses forward today at home, as well as in mobile applications. It is nevertheless still device-centred and reaches limitations when a common interdevice usage of media is concerned. The project InterMedia seeks progress beyond home and device-centric convergence toward truly user-centric convergence of multimedia. Our vision is The User as Multimedia Central: the user as the point at which services (multimedia applications) and the means for interacting with them (devices and interfaces) converge. Key to our vision is that users are provided with a personalized interface and with personalized content independently of the particular set of physical devices they have available for interaction (on the body, or in their environment), and independently of the physical space in which they are situated. Our approach to this vision is to investigate a flexible wearable platform that supports dynamic composition of wearable devices, an ad-hoc connection to devices in the environment, a continuous access to multimedia networks, as well as adaptation of content to devices and user context.

InterMedia is a Network of Excellence with 16 partners from 10 countries, involving both industry and universities. It is a four-year project funded by the European Commission as part of its Sixth Framework Programme.

Proceedings of Mobile Interaction with the Real World 2008 - Workshop in conjunction with MobileHCI

Editors: Niels Henze, Gregor Broll, Enrico Rukzio, Michael Rohs, Andreas Zimmermann, and Susanne Boll; 001 / 2008

Workshop on Mobile Interaction with the Real World 2008

Henze, Niels and Broll, Gregor and Rukzio, Enrico and Rohs, Michael and Zimmermann, Andreas; Supplementary conference proceedings of MobileHCI; 009 / 2008

Evaluation of Camera Phone Based Interaction to Access Information Related to Posters

Pielot, Martin and Henze, Niels and Nickel, Christian and Menke, Christian and Samadi, Sören and Boll, Susanne; Workshop on Mobile Interaction with the Real World 2008; 001 / 2008

Evaluation of Continuous Direction Encoding with Tactile Belts

Pielot, Martin and Henze, Niels and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne; 3rd International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design; 001 / 2008

Physical-Virtual Linkage with Contextual Bookmarks

Henze, Niels and Rukzio, Enrico and Lorenz, Andreas and Righetti, Xavier and Boll, Susanne and ; Supplementary conference proceedings of MobileHCI; 001 / 2008

Services Surround You: Physical-Virtual Linkage with Contextual Bookmarks

Henze, Niels and Reiners, Rene and Righetti, Xavier and Rukzio, Enrico and Boll, Susanne; 001 / 2008

Gesture Recognition with a Wii Controller

Schlömer, Thomas and Benjamin Poppinga and Boll, Susanne and Henze, Niels; Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2008; 001 / 2008

FriendSense: Sensing your Social Net at Night

Pielot, Martin and Henze, Niels and Boll, Susanne; Night and darkness: Interaction after dark Workshop@CHI08; 004 / 2008

Snap and Share Your Photobooks

Henze, Niels and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of ACM Multimedia; 001 / 2008

Contextual Bookmarks

Henze, Niels and Lim, Mingyu and Lorenzm Andreas and Mueller, Michael and Righetti, Xavier and Rukzio, Enrico and Zimmermann, Andreas and Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia and Boll, Susanne and Thalmann, Daniel; Mobile Interaction with the Real World; 001 / 2007

What is That? Object Recognition from Natural Features on a Mobile Phone

Henze, Niels and Schinke, Torben and Boll, Susanne and ; Proceedings of the Workshop on Mobile Interaction with the Real World; 009 / 2009

Designing a CD Augmentation for Mobile Phones

Henze, Niels and Boll, Susanne and ; Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (extended abstracts); 002 / 2010

Proceedings of Mobile Interaction with the Real World 2009 - Workshop in conjunction with MobileHCI

Zimmermann, Andreas and Henze, Niels and Righetti, Xavier and Rukzio, Enrico; Mobile Interaction with the Real World 2009; 009 / 2009

Workshop on Mobile Interaction with the Real World 2009

Zimmermann, Andreas and Henze, Niels and Righetti, Xavier and Rukzio, Enrico; Supplementary conference proceedings of MobileHCI; 009 / 2009

Evaluation of an Off-Screen Visualization for Magic Lens and Dynamic Peephole Interfaces

Henze, Niels and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of MobileHCI; 009 / 2010

Visualization of Off-Screen Objects in Mobile Augmented Reality

Schinke, Torben and Henze, Niels and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of MobileHCI; 009 / 2010

Push the Study to the App Store: Evaluating Off-Screen Visualizations for Maps in the Android Market

Henze, Niels and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of MobileHCI; 009 / 2010

Experiments in the Wild: Public Evaluation of Off-Screen Visualizations in the Android Market

Henze, Niels and Poppinga, Benjamin and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of NordiCHI; 10 / 2010

Mobile Interaction with the Real World: Introduction to the Special Issue

Rukzio, Enrico and Zimmermann, Andreas and Henze, Niels and Righetti, Xavier; International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction; 008 / 2010

FlashLight: Optical Communication between Mobile Phones and Interactive Tabletops

Hesselmann, Tobias and Henze, Niels and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces; 11 / 2010

My App is an Experiment: Experience from User Studies in Mobile App Stores

Henze, Niels and Pielot, Martin and Poppinga, Benjamin and Schinke, Torben and Boll, Susanne and ; International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction; 11 / 2011

Université de Genève, MIRALab
Interdisciplinair Instituut voor BreedBandTechnolgie VZW (IBBT- MMLab)
Industrial Systems Insitute/ Integrated Research Information Society (ISI)
Lancaster University
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH)
Università degli Studi di Genova
Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT
Universität Klagenfurt
EPF Lausanne
Ecole d´Ingenieur Télécom ParisTech (Télécom ParisTech), France
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Intracom S.A. Telecom Solutions
CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto Tecnologie Biomediche (Italy)
Telefonica I+D
Carleton University


Start: 30.09.2006
End: 29.09.2010