MISSA will focus on four main enabling contributions that are naturally linked together in the design process: (1) In the very preliminary design phases, when aircraft functions have been allocate to systems, MISSA will first provide methods and tools that support design and installation optimization. (2) It will support the accurate definition and assessment of a systems organic architecture against the safety requirements resulting from the early design phases. (3) It will provide means for dealing with detailed system architecture and (4) it will develop a software infrastructure that facilitates the exchange of information needed to achieve the above three points.
Böde, Eckard and Gebhardt, Sebastian and Peikenkamp, Thomas ; 005 / 2010
Seguin, Christel and Bieber, Pierre and Böde, Eckard and Bozzano, Marco and Bretschneider, Matthias and Cavallo, Antonella and Deneux, Johann and Heckmann, Jean-Pierre and Lisagor, Oleg and Morel, Marion and Papadopoulos, Chris and Sagaspe, Laurent and Sartor, Valerie and Delmas, Rémi ; 10 / 2011