ReMoDigital Resilience Monitoring for the Digitization of the Energy Transition


Digitization is used to transform the technical energy system from a centralized system with large storage capacities on the energy source side to a more decentralized system in which energy conversion, intermediate storage and consumption are to be orchestrated in such a way that supply always meets demand. Digitization changes the entire technical energy system and its characteristics to a very large extent. In such a digitized system, higher resiliencies can be achieved, but also greater vulnerabilities can arise. In conjunction with existing and new generation and distribution technologies, it opens up flexibilities that were not possible in the original energy system. At the same time, new vulnerabilities of the redesigned system must be taken into account and reduced by means of resilient design.  In order to guarantee and continuously check the resilience, the control and monitoring of the functionality, but also of turbulences and shocks, and the adaptability and systemic change, are of essential importance.

The aim of the project is to develop essential system analytical building blocks of resilience monitoring for the digitized energy system transition, and recommendations for its integration into corporative processes. 


In order to achieve the overall goal of the project, a methodology will be developed that allows combining approved methods in risk analysis and risk management with new, creative forecasting and process management methods. The development of a concept for resilience monitoring in the path of the implementation of digital technologies for the energy system transition forms the framework of the project. Moreover, a set of instruments is to be developed, which can be used for the analysis and interactive representation of the resilience of energy systems in the context of such processes. 


External Leader

Dr.-Ing. Bert Droste-Franke
Performance Assessment of State Estimation in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

Batoul Hage Hassan, Anand Narayan, Davood Babazadeh, Marcel Klaes, Sebastian Lehnhoff; PowerTech 2021; 0June / 2021

Analyzing the Propagation of Disturbances in CPES considering the States of ICT-enabled Grid Services

Anand Narayan, Marcel Klaes, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Christian Rehtanz; Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2021); 0October / 2021

Virtualization for Performance Guarantees of State Estimation in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

Batoul Hage Hassan, Anand Narayan, Michael Brand and Sebastian Lehnhoff; DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics 2022; 0September / 2022

Quantifying the resilience of ICT-enabled grid services in cyber-physical energy system

Narayan, Anand and Brand, Michael and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Energy Informatics; 0October / 2023

Poster abstract: modeling of resilient state estimation in cyber-physical energy systems

Hage Hassan, Batoul and Brand, Michael and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Abstracts of the 12th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics; 2023

Modelling the propagation of properties across services in cyber-physical energy systems

Anand Narayan, Michael Brand, Nils Huxoll, Batoul Hage Hassan, Sebastian Lehnhoff ; 0March / 2024

Applying Trust for Operational States of ICT-Enabled Power Grid Services

Michael Brand, Anand Narayan, Sebastian Lehnhoff; 0April / 2024

Resilience Monitoring for the Digitalisation of the Energy Transition (ReMoDigital)

Bert Droste-Franke and Gabriele Fohr and Davy van Doren and Markus Voge and Moritz Bergfeld and Urte Brand-Daniels and Karen Derendorf and Marc Dziakowski and Hans Christian Gils and Ghinwa Harb and Gandhi Pragada and Tudor Mocanu and Sophie Nägele and Henrik Netz and Martin Plener and Angelika Schulz and Henning Wigger and Madhura Yeligeti and Michael Brand and Batoul Hage Hassan and Anand Narayan and Sigrid Prehofer; 0January / 2025


Start: 01.09.2020
End: 30.04.2024

Source of funding