Modeling Pilot and Driver Behaviour for Human Error Simulation

Lüdtke, A. and Weber, L. and Osterloh, J.-P., Wortelen, B.
HCI International 2009
In order to reduce human errors in the interaction with in safety critical assistance systems it is crucial to consequently include the characteristics of the human operator already in the early phases of the design process. In this paper we present a cognitive architecture for simulating man-machine interaction in the aeronautics and automotive domain. Though both domains have their own characteristics we think that it is possible to apply the same core architecture to support pilot as well driver centered design of assistance systems. This text shows how phenomena relevant in the automobile or aviation environment can be integrated in the same cognitive architecture.
10 / 2009
LNCS 5610-56
Model-based Analysis of Human errors during Aircraft Cockpit System Design
Integrated Human Modelling and Simulation to support Human Error Analysis of Partially Autonomous Driver Assisatance Systems
Integrated Modeling for Safe Transportation
Jacko, J.A.; Stephanidis, C.; Harris, D.; Schmorrow, D.D.; Grootjen, M.; Karsh, B.-T.; Shumaker, R.; Zaphiris, P.; Ozok, A.A.; Duffy, V.G.; Kurosu, M.; Smith, M.J.; Salvendy, G.; Aykin, N.; Estabrooke, I.V.