Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Cauchi Principal Scientist

Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Cauchi

Position im OFFIS

Principal Scientist


Gesundheit / Automatisierungs- und Integrationstechnik


+49 441 9722-428



OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

von Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Cauchi


Effect of simulated hearing loss on automatic speech recognition for an android robot-patient

Röhl, J.H. and Günther, U. and Hein, A. and Cauchi, B.; Frontiers in Robotics and AI; September / 2024




Non-Intrusive Binaural Speech Intelligibility Prediction From Discrete Latent Representations

A. F. McKinney and B. Cauchi; IEEE Signal Processing Letters; 2022


Connected Hearing Devices and Audiologists: The User-Centered Development of Digital Service Innovations

M. Luengen, C. Garrelfs, K. Adiloǧlu, M. Krueger, B. Cauchi, U. Markert, M. Typlt, M. Kinkel and C. Schultz; Frontiers in Digital Health; September / 2021



Pulse Transit Time Estimation for Blood Pressure Measurement in Patients Implanted with a Left Ventricular Assist Device

M. Ahmad, J. Glitza, F. Müller-von-Aschwege, A. Hein and B. Cauchi; Oktober / 2020



A Connected System for the Improvement of Hearing Aids Fitting and Automatic Algorithm Selection

J. Brunnberg and B. Cauchi; 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA); March / 2019

Multivariate Event Detection for Non-intrusive Load Monitoring

Gerka, Alexander and Cauchi, Benjamin and Hein, Andreas; The Ninth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies (AMBIENT); 09 / 2019

Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Prediction Using Modulation Energies and LSTM-Network

B. Cauchi, K. Siedenburg, J. F. Santos, T. H. Falk, D. Doclo and S. Goetze; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing; July / 2019

Transportation Mode Classification from Smartphone Sensors via a Long-short-term-memory Network

B. Friedrich, B. Cauchi, A. Hein and S. Fudickar; Proc. ACM International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing; September / 2019



Hardware / Software Architecture for Services in the Hearing Aid Industry

Cauchi, B. and Eichelberg, M. and Huewel, A. and Adiloglu, K. and Richter, H. and Typlt, M.; Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on E-health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom); September / 2018


Instrumental and Perceptual Evaluation of Dereverberation Techniques Based on Robust Acoustic Multichannel Equalization

Kodrasi, I. and Cauchi, B. and Goetze, S. and Doclo, S.; Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (AES); January / 2017

Measuring, modelling and predicting perceived reverberation

Javed, H. and Cauchi, B. and Doclo, S. and Naylor, P. A. and Goetze, S.; Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP); March / 2017

Performance comparison of real-time single-channel speech dereverberation algorithms

Xiong, F. and Meyer, B.T. and Cauchi, B. and Jukic, A. and Doclo, S. and Goetze, S.; Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Hands-free speech communication and microphone arrays (HSCMA); March / 2017


Perceptual and instrumental evaluation of the perceived level of reverberation

Cauchi, B. and Javed, H. and Gerkmann, T. and Doclo, S. and Goetze, S. and Naylor, P. A.; Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP); March / 2016

Performance comparison of intrusive and non-intrusive instrumental quality measures for enhanced speech

Avila, A. and Cauchi, B. and Doclo, S. and Falk, T.; Proc. Int. Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC); Sep. / 2016

Predicting the quality of processed speech by combining modulation-based features and model trees

Cauchi, B. and Santos, J.A. and Siedenburg, K. and Falk, T.H. and Naylor, P.A. and Doclo, S. and Goetze, S.; ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation; Oct. / 2016

Spectrally and spatially informed noise suppression using beamforming and convolutive NMF

Cauchi, B. and Gerkmann, T. and Doclo, S. and Naylor, P. A. and Goetze, S.; Proc. Intl. Conf. of the Audio Engineering Society (AES); February / 2016


Application of reverberation suppression as preprocessing for acoustic event detection

Baldzer, C. and Cauchi, B. and Schroeder, S. and Hollosi, D.; Proc. Annual German Congress on Acoustics (DAGA); March / 2015

Combination of MVDR beamforming and single-channel spectral processing for enhancing noisy and reverberant speech

Cauchi, B. and Kodrasi, I. and Rehr, R. and Gerlach, S. and Jukic, A. and Gerkmann, T. and Doclo, S. and Goetze, S.; EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing; July / 2015

Late Reverberant Spectral Variance Estimation Using acoustic Channel Equalization

Cauchi, B. and Naylor, P. A. and Gerkmann, T. and Doclo, S. and Goetze, S.; Proc. European Conf. Signal Processing (EUSIPCO); September / 2015


A Study on Speech Quality and Speech Intelligibility Measures for Quality Assessment of Single-Channel Dereverberation Algorithms

S. Goetze and A. Warzybok and I. Kodrasi and J. O. Jungmann and B. Cauchi and J. Rennies and E.A.P. Habets and A. Mertins and T. Gerkmann and S. Doclo and B. Kollmeier; Proc.\ Int. Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC); Sep. / 2014

Joint dereverberation and noise reduction using beamforming and a single-channel speech-enhancement scheme

Cauchi, B. and Kodrasi, I. and Rehr, R. and Gerlach, S. and Jukic, A. and Gerkmann, T. and Doclo, S. and Goetze, S.; Proc. REVERB challenge workshop; May / 2014

Room transfer function estimation using cepstral smoothing

Tomczyszyn, T. and Cauchi, B. and Gerlach, S. and Goetze, S.; Proc. Annual German Congress on Acoustics (DAGA); March / 2014


Acoustic event detection using signal enhancement and spectro-temporal feature extraction

Schröder, J. and Cauchi, B. and Schädler, M.R. and Moritz, N. and Adiloglu, K. and Anemüller, J. and Doclo, S. and Kollmeier, B. and Goetze, S.; Proc. IEEE AASP Challenge: Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events; October / 2013

On the use of spectro-temporal features for the IEEE AASP challenge detection and classification of acoustic scenes and events

Schröder, J. and Moritz, N. and Schädler, M.R. and Cauchi, B. and Adiloglu, K. and Anemüller, J. and Doclo, S. and Kollmeier, B. and Goetze, S.; Proc. Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA); October / 2013

Saliency-based modeling of acoustic scenes using sparse non-negative matrix factorization

Cauchi, B. and Lagrange, M. and Misdariis, N. and Cont, A.; Proc. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS); July / 2013


Reduction of non-stationary noise for a robotic living assistant using sparse non-negative matrix factorization

Cauchi, B. and Goetze, S. and Doclo, S.; Proc. Workshop on Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Assistive Environments (SMIAE); July / 2012

Sparse representations for modeling environmental acoustic scenes, application to train stations soundscapes

Cauchi, B. and Lagrange, M. and Misdariis, N. and Cont, A.; Proc. Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA); April / 2012

von Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Cauchi



Augmented Auditive Intelligence

Laufzeit: 2021 - 2024