Senior Researcher
Energie / Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz
Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI)
OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg
Emilie Frost and Malin Radtke and Marvin Nebel-Wenner and Frauke Oest and Sanja Stark; SoftwareX; 2024
Frauke Oest, Emilie Frost, Malin Radtke, Sebastian Lehnhoff; ACM SIGENERGY Energy Informatics Review; 03 / 2023
Radtke, MalinStucke, ChristophTrauernicht, MalteMontag, CarstenOest, FraukeFrost, EmilieBremer, JörgLehhoff, Sebastian; SSCI 2023; Dezember / 2023
Oest, Frauke and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; ENERGY 2022, The Twelfth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies; Mai / 2022
Oest, Frauke and Radtke, Malin and Blank-Babazadeh, Marita and Holly, Stefanie and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Energies; 02 / 2021
Frauke Oest; Energy Informatics; 9 / 2019
Stephan Balduin, Frauke Oest, Marita Blank-Babazadeh, Astrid Nieße, Sebastian Lehnhoff; Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; 9 / 2019
Balduin, Stephan and Brauer, Dierk and Elend, Lars and Holly, Stefanie and Korte, Jan and Krüger, Carsten and Meier, Almuth and Oest, Frauke and Sanders-Sjuts, Immo and Sauer, Torben and Schnieders, Marco and Zilke, Robert and Hinrichs, Christian and Sonnenschein, Michael; Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics: Stability, Continuity, Innovation; 2017