Dr.-Ing. Frerk Müller-von Aschwege Principal Scientist / Gruppenleiter

Dr.-Ing. Frerk Müller-von Aschwege

Position im OFFIS

Principal Scientist / Gruppenleiter


Gesundheit / Biomedizinische Geräte und Systeme

Competence Cluster

Safety Relevant Cyber Physical Systems (SRCPS)


+49 441 9722-146




OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

von Dr.-Ing. Frerk Müller-von Aschwege


Bridging Gaps in Fracture Rehabilitation: A Mobile Solution Proposal for Comprehensive Recovery.

Maszuhn, Matthias and Müller-von Aschwege, Frerk and Jansen, Felix and Hein, Andreas and Knol, Hester and Snowdon, David and Buschermöhle, Michael and Barth, Dominik and Haag, Luisa and Wohlers, Nadine and others; BIOSTEC (2); 2024

Evaluating the Viability of Neural Networks for Analysing Electromyography Data in Home Rehabilitation: Estimating Foot Progression Angle:

Siegel, Finn and Buj, Christian and Merfort, Ricarda and Hein, Andreas and Aschwege, Frerk; Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies; 2024


Concept for General Improvements in the Treatment of Femoral Shaft Fractures with an Intramedullary Nail:

Siegel, Finn and Buj, Christian and Schwanbeck, Ralf and Petersik, Andreas and Hoffmann, Ulrich and Kemper, Jakob and Hildebrand, Frank and Kobbe, Philipp and Eschweiler, Jörg and Greven, Johannes and Merfort, Ricarda and Freimann, Christian and Schwaiger, Astrid and Aschwege, Frerk; Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies; 2023

Developing Advanced AI Ecosystems to Enhance Diagnosis and Care for Patients with Depression

Franziska Klein, Frerk Müller-Von Aschwege, Patrick Elfert, Julien Räker, Alexandra Philipsen, Niclas Braun, Benjamin Selaskowski, Annika Wiebe, Matthias Guth, Johannes Spallek, Sigrid Seuss, Benjamin Storey, Leo N. Geppert, Ingo Lück, Andreas Hein; Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Oktober / 2023

Learning to Irrigate - A model of the plant water balance

Matthias Maszuhn, Frerk Müller-von Aschwege, Susanne Boll-Westermann, Jan Pinski; Februar / 2023



Improved aftercare in LVAD patients: Development and feasibility of a smartphone application as a first step for telemonitoring

Schmidt, Thomas and Mewes, Philipp and Hoffmann, Jan-Dirk and Müller-von Aschwege, Frerk and Glitza, Jenny I and Schmitto, Jan D and Schulte-Eistrup, Sebastian and Sindermann, Jürgen R and Reiss, Nils; Artificial Organs; 2020

Pulse Transit Time Estimation for Blood Pressure Measurement in Patients Implanted with a Left Ventricular Assist Device

M. Ahmad, J. Glitza, F. Müller-von-Aschwege, A. Hein and B. Cauchi; Oktober / 2020

Telemedical Concepts for Heart Failure Patients Treated with a Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator.

Nils Reiss, Thomas Schmidt, Jan-Dirk Hoffmann, Steffen Kunzendorf, Georg Luegmair, Tobias Tröger, Christian Buj, Frerk Müller-von Aschwege; Studies in health technology and informatics; 6 / 2020


Analysis of LVAD Log Files considering the circadian Rhythm for the early Thrombosis Detection

J. I. Glitza, F. Müller-von Aschwege, C. Feldmann, R. Wendl, J. D. Schmitto, N. Reiss, T. Schmidt, A. Hein; The International Journal of Artificial Organs; August / 2019

Telemedical concepts and developments for an effective outpatient management in LVAD patients.

Reiss, N.; Schmidt, T.; Hoffmann, J.-D.; Glitza, J.; Thronicke, W.; Wendl, R.; Feldmann, C.; Schmitto, J.; Mueller-von Aschwege, F.; Clin Res Cardiol; 2019



Advanced telemonitoring of Left Ventricular Assist Device patients for the early detection of thrombosis

Jenny I. Glitza,Frerk Müller-von Aschwege,Marco Eichelberg,Nils Reiss,Thomas Schmidt,Christina Feldmann,Regina Wendl,Jan D. Schmitto,Andreas Hein; Journal of Network and Computer Applications; 2018

Development of New Algorithms for Early Detection of Pump Thrombosis by Analysis of HeartWare LVAD Log Files

Nils Reiss,Frerk Müller-von Aschwege,Thomas Schmidt,Christina Feldmann,Jan Schmitto,Andreas Hein,Jenny Glitza; The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation; 2018


Adaptive Pump Speed Algorithms to Improve Exercise Capacity in Patients Supported with a Left-Ventricular Assist Device

Thomas Schmidt, Nils Reiss, Ezin Deniz, Christina Feldmann, Andreas Hein, Jan-Dirk Hoffmann, Jenny Inge Röbesaat, Jan Dieter Schmitto, Detlev Willemsen, Frerk Müller-von Aschwege; Health Informatics Meets eHealth: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Mai / 2017

Analysis of LVAD log files for the early detection of pump thrombosis

J. I. Röbesaat, F. M. v. Aschwege, N. Reiss, T. Schmidt, C. Feldmann, E. Deniz, J. D. Schmitto, A. Hein; 2017 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC); July / 2017

New concepts for remote monitoring and flow control in left ventricular assist device patients - The Medolution project

Nils Reiss, Thomas Schmidt, Jan-Dirk Hoffmann, Detlev Willemsen, Frerk Müller-von Aschwege, Jenny Inge Röbesaat, Jan Dieter Schmitto, Christina Feldmann; European Journal of Heart Failure; 2017

Telemonitoring and Medical Care of Heart Failure Patients Supported by Left Ventricular Assist Devices - The Medolution Project.

Nils Reiss, Thomas Schmidt, Frerk Müller-von Aschwege, Wolfgang Thronicke, Jan-Dirk Hoffmann, Jenny Inge Röbesaat, Ezin Deniz, Andreas Hein, Heiko Krumm, Franz-Josef Stewing, Detlev Willemsen, Jan Dieter Schmitto, Christina Feldmann; Studies in Health Technology and Informatics: Volume 236: Health Informatics Meets eHealth; Mai / 2017


Heart Rate Prediction for Coronary Artery Disease Patients (CAD): Results of a Clinical Pilot Study

Frerk Müller-von Aschwege, Anke Workowski, Detlev Willemsen, Sebastian M Müller und Andreas Hein; Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans; 5 / 2015


Adverse Drug Event Notification on a Semantic Interoperability Framework

Krahn, Tobias; Eichelberg, Marco; Müller, Frerk; Gönül, Suat; Laleci Erturkmen, Gokce B.; Sinaci, A. Anil; Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen; Stud Health Technol Inform; 2014

Evaluation of a generic heart rate model for exercise planning and execution across training modalities

Müller, Frerk and Müller, Sebastian and Helmer, Axel and Hein, Andreas; 01 / 2014

Integration of Smart Home Health Data in the Clinical Decision Making Process

Helmer, Axel; Müller, Frerk; Lohmann, Okko; Thiel, Andreas; Kretschmer, Friedrich; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas; 11 / 2014

Potenzial von Linked Data zur automatisierten Detektion bekannter unerwünschter Arzneimittelwirkungen

Krahn, Tobias; Gudenkauf, Stefan; Müller, Frerk; Appelrath, H.-Jürgen; GMDS 2014: 59. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V.; 9 / 2014

Sekundärnutzung klinischer Patientenakten – Semi-automatische Detektion von Medikamentennebenwirkungen

Krahn, Tobias and Müller, Frerk and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen; e-Health 2014 - Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen; 01 / 2014



Detektion unerwünschter Arzneimittelereignisse - Transparenzsteigerung in der Versorgungsforschung

Krahn, Tobias and Müller, Frerk and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen; 8 / 2013

Inclusion of Data from the Domestic Domain in the Process of Clinical Decision Making Using the Example of a Comprehensive Ambient Energy Expenditure Determination for COPD Patients

Helmer, Axel and Müller, Frerk and Lohmann, Okko and Thiel, Andreas and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; HEALTHINF 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 February, 2013; 02 / 2013

LsW - Networked home automation in living environments

Müller, Frerk and Frenken, Melina and Hoffmann, Peter and Herzog, Otthein and Hein, Andreas; Lebensqualität im Wandel von Demografie und Technik - 6. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung; 01 / 2013



AAL in Cardiac Rehabilitation

Mueller, Frerk and Lipprandt, Myriam and Eichelberg, Marco and Helmer, Axel and Busch, Clemens and Willemsen, Detlev and Hein, Andreas; Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living; 05 / 2012

Acceptance of telemonitoring in cardiology secondary prevention - evaluation results of the research project OSAmI Commons

Workowski, Anke and Busch, Clemens and Hoffmann, Jan-Dirk and Müller, Frerk and Dohndorf, Oliver and Willemsen, Detlev and Stewing, Franz-Josef and Eichelberg, Marco and Krumm, Heiko; Proceedings eHealth & Telemedicine 2012 - 3 million and rising: Integrating care, mainstreaming technology; 12 / 2012



A Retrospective View of a Rehabilitation Homecare Scenario for Cardiac Patients

Koslowski, Oliver and Lipprandt, Myriam and Busch, Clemens and Eichelberg, Marco and Müller, Frerk and Willemsen, Detlev and Ertürkmen, Gökçe Banu Laleci and Dogac, Asuman and Hein, Andreas; Handbook of Digital Homecare; 10 / 2011

IDEAAL, der Mensch im Mittelpunkt

Kröger, Tobias and Brell, Melina and Myriam Lipprandt and Frerk Müller and Axel Helmer and Hein, Andreas; 01 / 2011

Integration of medical models in personal health records using the example of rehabilitation training for cardiopulmonary patients.

Axel Helmer, Friedrich Kretschmer, Frerk Müller, Marco Eichelberg, Riana Deparade, Uwe Tegtbur, Michael Marschollek, Andreas Hein ; 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics; 10 / 2011


Eine Softwareplattform für flexible Dienste im Fokus der kardialen Telerehabilitation

Lipprandt, Myriam and Eichelberg, Marco and Müller, Frerk and Hein, Andreas and Stewing, Franz-Josef and Thronicke, Wolfgang and Hackbarth, Kai and Seufert, Manuel and Busch, Clemens and Hein, Andreas and Krumm, Heiko and Ditze, Michael and Golatowski, Frank; APS+PC Nachrichten -- Mitteilungen der ITG/GI Fachgruppe Arbeitsplatzrechensysteme und Personal Computing; 12 / 2010



Multimediazentrale als Hörunterstützung im häuslichen Umfeld

Schulz, Arne and Baumgartner, Hannah and Müller, Frerk and Hein, Andreas; 09 / 2009


von Dr.-Ing. Frerk Müller-von Aschwege



Entwicklung von Produkt-Service-Systemen in der Tele-Audiologie

Laufzeit: 2017 - 2021


Unterstützung des Selbstmanagements für Patienten mit psychischen Verhaltensstörungen

Laufzeit: 2017 - 2020



Developing AI ecosystems improving diagnosis and care of mental diseases

Laufzeit: 2023 - 2025



KI- und Sensorik-gesteuerte Bewässerung mit benutzerfreundlicher Oberfläche für Torfersatz- optimierte Anbauverfahren.

Laufzeit: 2024 - 2027


GAiST - Kasper

Glücklich Altern mit Smart Living Technologie

Laufzeit: 2024 - 2026



Integrated Development Environment for AAL

Laufzeit: 2004 - open



Medical Care Evolution

Laufzeit: 2015 - 2018


Miniaturisierter Defibrillator mit telemedizinischer Anbindung

Laufzeit: 2019 - 2022



Predictive Plant Production

Laufzeit: 2021 - 2024


Secur-e-Health - SFC

Secur-e-Health – Smart Fracture Care

Laufzeit: 2021 - 2024



Therapie-Begleitung und –Analyse für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie

Laufzeit: 2023 - 2026