Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Meyer Bereichsleiter FuE-Bereich Gesellschaft

Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Meyer

Position im OFFIS

Bereichsleiter FuE-Bereich Gesellschaft



Jochen Meyer studierte Informatik an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Odlenburg. Nach einer Beschäftigung als Softwareentwickler in einem mittelständischen Softwarehaus in Hamburg ist er seit 1995 im OFFIS, wo er sich schon früh mit Internettechnologien, zunächst im Kontext digitaler Bibliotheken auseinandersetzte.
Von 1998 bis 2008 war er Leiter des Bereichs "Multimedia und Internet-Informationsdienste", nach einer Umstrukturierung seit 2008 Leiter des Bereichs "Gesundheit".
Seine Forschungsinteressen liegen insbesondere in den Themenfeldern Technologien für Prävention und Wellbeing, Ambient Assisted Living und persönliche Mediennutzung.

+49 441 9722-185

+49 441 9722-111



OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

von Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Meyer


Enhancing Citizen Accessibility to Public Services: A Case Study on AI-Assisted Application for Housing Entitlement Certificates

Abdenebaoui, Larbi and Aljuneidi, Saja and Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne; INFORMATIK 2024; 2024

Stepping on the scale? Only in the morning, of course! - Exploring the Lived Experience of Consumer Self-Tracking Technology in the Context of Citizen Science

Krämer, Susanna and Kottwitz, Greta Ruth and Wozniak, Mikołaj P. and Meyer, Jochen and Koelle, Marion; Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction; 2024


Motivationsgründe und Vorstellungen über eine zukünftige Beteiligung älterer Menschen im Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprozess von Gesundheitstechnologien – eine Mixed Methods-Studie TT - Motivational Reasons and Perceptions about Future Participation of O

Pauls Jürgen M.; Diekmann, Rebecca; Fudickar, Sebastian; Hein, Andreas; Hellmers, Sandra; Lau, Sandra; Meyer, Jochen; von Holdt, Kai; Koppelin, Frauke, Alexander; Bauer; Gesundheitswesen; 2023

The Art of Privacy A Theatrical Privacy Installation in Virtual Reality

Jung, Frederike and Kaiser, Jonah-Noël and von Holdt, Kai and Heuten, Wilko and Meyer, Jochen; Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; April / 2023

The IHI Rochester Report 2022 on Healthcare Informatics Research: Resuming After the CoViD-19

Combi, Carlo and Facelli, Julio C and Haddawy, Peter and Holmes, John H and Koch, Sabine and Liu, Hongfang and Meyer, Jochen and Peleg, Mor and Pozzi, Giuseppe and Stiglic, Gregor and Veltri, Pierangelo and Yang, Christopher C; Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research; 2023


Designing and applying technology for prevention—Lessons learned in AEQUIPA and its implications for future research and practice

Meyer, Jochen and Ratz, Tiara and Pauls, Alexander and Hellmers, Sandra and Boll, Susanne and Fudickar, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas and Bauer, Jürgen M and Koppelin, Frauke and Lippke, Sonia and Peters, Manuela and Pischke, Claudia R and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia and Zeeb, Hajo and Forberger, Sarah; Frontiers in Public Health; 2022

Editorial Special Issue on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care

Boll, Susanne and S. Lee, Jeannie and Meyer, Jochen and Nag, Nitish and O'Connor, Noel E.; IEEE MultiMedia; 2022

Grand Challenges for Personal Informatics and AI

Mamykina, Lena and A. Epstein, Daniel and Klasnja, Predrag and Sprujt-Metz, Donna and Meyer, Jochen and Czerwinski, Mary and Althoff, Tim and Choe, Eun Kyoung and De Choudhury, Munmun and Lim, Brian; CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts; 2022

I Do. Do I? Understanding User Perspectives on the Privacy Paradox

Jung, Frederike and von Holdt, Kai and Krüger, Ronja and Meyer, Jochen and Heuten, Wilko; 25th International Academic Mindtrek Conference; November / 2022

Impact of Activity Tracker Usage in Combination with a Physical Activity Intervention on Physical and Cognitive Parameters in Healthy Adults Aged 60+: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Auerswald, Tina and Hendker, Anna and Ratz, Tiara and Lippke, Sonia and Pischke, Claudia R and Peters, Manuela and Meyer, Jochen and von Holdt, Kai and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 2022


ActiThings: Reminders for physical activity exercises in daily lives of inactive older adults

Meyer, Jochen and Beck, Elke and von Holdt, Kai and Koppelin, Frauke and Pauls, Alexander and Boll, Susanne; IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics; 2021

Die „Fit im Nordwesten“-Toolbox

Peters, Manuela and Ratz, Tiara and Muellmann, Saskia and Meyer, Jochen and von Holdt, Kai and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia and Lippke, Sonia and Pischke, Claudia R.; Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung; 2021

Editorial: Long-Term Self-Tracking for Life-Long Health and Well-Being

Meyer, Jochen and Gurrin, Cathal and Price, Blaine and Kay, Judy and Jain, Ramesh; Frontiers in Digital Health; 2021

Opportunities and Challenges for Long-Term Tracking

Epstein, Daniel A and Eslambolchilar, Parisa and Kay, Judy and Meyer, Jochen and Munson, Sean A; Advances in Longitudinal HCI Research; 2021



A Life of Data: Characteristics and Challenges of Very Long Term Self-Tracking for Health and Wellness

Meyer, Jochen and Kay, Judy and Epstein, Daniel A. and Eslambolchilar, Parisa and Tang, Lie Ming; ACM Trans. Comput. Healthcare; March / 2020

Application of Activity Trackers among Nursing Home Residents—A Pilot and Feasibility Study on Physical Activity Behavior, Usage Behavior, Acceptance, Usability and Motivational Impact

Auerswald, Tina and Meyer, Jochen and von Holdt, Kai and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 2020

Corona-Warn-App: Erste Ergebnisse einer Onlineumfrage zur (Nicht-)Nutzung und Gebrauch

Meyer, Jochen and Fröhlich, Thomas and von Holdt, Kai; 2020

Implementation and Effects of Information Technology-Based and Print-Based Interventions to Promote Physical Activity Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Crossover Trial

Pischke, Claudia R and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia and Peters, Manuela and Ratz, Tiara and Pohlabeln, Hermann and Meyer, Jochen and von Holdt, Kai and Lippke, Sonia; JMIR Res Protoc; 2020

More than Numbers: Self-Expression Centered T1D App Design for Teenagers

Fröhlich, Thomas and Willems, Rob and Kremer, Lisa and Dol, Aranka and Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Extended Abstracts; 2020

Next Steps for Human-Computer Integration

Mueller, Florian Floyd and Lopes, Pedro and Strohmeier, Paul and Ju, Wendy and Seim, Caitlyn and Weigel, Martin and Nanayakkara, Suranga and Obrist, Marianna and Li, Zhuying and Delfa, Joseph and Nishida, Jun and Gerber, Elizabeth M and Svanaes, Dag and Grudin, Jonathan and Greuter, Stefan and Kunze, Kai and Erickson, Thomas and Greenspan, Steven and Inami, Masahiko and Marshall, Joe and Reiterer, Harald and Wolf, Katrin and Meyer, Jochen and Schiphorst, Thecla and Wang, Dakuo and Maes, Pattie; Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; 2020


Effects of Two Web-Based Interventions and Mediating Mechanisms on Stage of Change Regarding Physical Activity in Older Adults

Ratz, Tiara and Lippke, Sonia and Muellmann, Saskia and Peters, Manuela and Pischke, Claudia R and Meyer, Jochen and Bragina, Inna and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia; Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being; 2019

Effects of two web-based interventions promoting physical activity among older adults compared to a delayed intervention control group in Northwestern Germany: Results of the PROMOTE community-based intervention trial

Muellmann, Saskia and Buck, Christoph and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia and Bragina, Inna and Lippke, Sonia and Meyer, Jochen and Peters, Manuela and Pischke, Claudia R; Preventive Medicine Reports; 2019

Equity Impact Assessment of Interventions to Promote Physical Activity among Older Adults: A Logic Model Framework

Lehne, Gesa and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia and Meyer, Jochen and Bammann, Karin and Gansefort, Dirk and Brüchert, Tanja and Bolte, Gabriele; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 2019

Exploring Technologies for Encouraging Home-Based Physical Exercise Among Older Adults: A Brief Study Protocol

Beck, Elke and von Holdt, Kai and Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital Public Health; 2019

Sneaking Physical Exercise into Sedentary Work Life Design Explorations of Ambient Reminders in Opportune Moments

Beck, E and v. Holdt, K and Meyer, J and Boll, S; 2019 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI); 2019

Toy or tool? Activity trackers for the assessment of physical activity in the wild

Meyer, J and v. Holdt, K and Beck, E and Brandes, M and Pischke, C and Voelcker-Rehage, C; 2019 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI); 2019


ActiStairs: Design and Acceptance of a Technology-Based Intervention to Advocate Stair-Climbing in Public Spaces

Meyer, Jochen and Beck, Elke and von Holdt, Kai and Gansefort, Dirk and Brand, Tilman and Zeeb, Hajo and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care; 2018

ActiThings Toolkit - Towards Supporting Older Adults' Adherence to Home-based Physical Exercise Programs by Providing Notifications in Opportune Moments

Beck, Elke and von Holdt, Kai and Meyer, Jochen; Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 5: HEALTHINF,; 2018

Defining Adherence: Making Sense of Physical Activity Tracker Data

Tang, Lie Ming and Meyer, Jochen and Epstein, Daniel A and Bragg, Kevin and Engelen, Lina and Bauman, Adrian and Kay, Judy; Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.; 2018

Effects of an intensive long-term prevention programme after myocardial infarction – a randomized trial

Wienbergen, Harm and Fach, Andreas and Meyer, Sven and Meyer, Jochen and Stehmeier, Janina and Backhaus, Tina and Michel, Stephan and Krämer, Kirsten and Osteresch, Rico and Schmucker, Johannes and Haase, Henning and Härle, Tobias and Elsässer, Albrecht and Hambrecht, Rainer; European Journal of Preventive Cardiology; 2018

MMHealth 2017: Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care

Boll, S and Ebrahimi, T and Gurrin, C and Jalali, L and Jain, R and Meyer, J and O'Connor, N E; IEEE MultiMedia; jan / 2018

Using Activity Tracker Data for the Assessment of Physical Activity in Public Health Studies

Meyer, Jochen and von Holdt, Kai and Bragina, Inna and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia; 2018 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI); 2018



Development and evaluation of two web-based interventions for the promotion of physical activity in older adults: study protocol for a community-based controlled intervention trial

Muellmann, Saskia and Bragina, Inna and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia and Rost, Eric and Lippke, Sonia and Meyer, Jochen and Schnauber, Jochen and Wasmann, Merlin and Toborg, Merle and Koppelin, Frauke and Brand, Tilman and Zeeb, Hajo and Pischke, Claudia R.; BMC Public Health; 2017

How to Tackle Key Challenges in the Promotion of Physical Activity among Older Adults (65+): The AEQUIPA Network Approach

Forberger, Sarah and Bammann, Karin and Bauer, Jürgen and Boll, Susanne and Bolte, Gabriele and Brand, Tilman and Hein, Andreas and Koppelin, Frauke and Lippke, Sonia and Meyer, Jochen and Pischke, Claudia R and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia and Zeeb, Hajo; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 2017

Identification and Classification of Usage Patterns in Long-Term Activity Tracking

Meyer, Jochen and Wasmann, Merlin and Heuten, Wilko and El Ali, Abdallah and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; 2017

Making Sense in the Long Run: Long-Term Health Monitoring in Real Lives

Meyer, J and Beck, E and Wasmann, M and Boll, S; 2017 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI); aug / 2017

MMHealth '17: Proceedings of the 2Nd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care

Boll, Susanne and Ebrahimi, Touradj and Gurrin, Cathal and Jain, Ramesh and Jalali, Laleh and Meyer, Jochen and O'Connor, Noel; 2017

PROMOTE: Tailoring Physical Activity Interventions to Promote Healthy Ageing

Bragina, I and Lippke, S and Pischke, C and Meyer, J and Muellmann, S and Rost, E and Zeeb, H and Voelcker-Rehage, C; Innovation in Aging; 2017

Research Challenges of Emerging Technologies Supporting Life-Long Health and Wellbeing

Meyer, Jochen and Eslambolchilar, Parisa; Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care; 2017


Assessment and monitoring of physical activity with pedometers and and online documentation in secondary prevention after myocardiac infarct

Wienbergen, H. and Backhaus, T. and Stehmeier, J. and Michel, S. and Krämer, K. and Bünger, S. and Meyer, J. and Meyer, S. and Baumbach, C. and Remppis, B. and Elsässer, A. and Hambrecht, R.; Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie; 2016

Exploring Longitudinal Use of Activity Trackers

Jochen Meyer, Jochen Schnauber, Wilko Heuten, Harm Wienbergen, Rainer Hambrecht, Hans-Jürgen Appelrath, Susanne Boll; IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics; 10 / 2016

Förderung der körperlichen Aktivität bei älteren Menschen durch körpernahe Sensorik Die PROMOTE Studie

Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne and Lippke, Sonia and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia; smartASSIST; 2016

Long Term Use of Smart Health Devices for Supporting Healthy Living

Jochen MeyerJochen SchnauberWilko Heuten; 4 / 2016

Mittels Nutzereinbeziehung zu mehr Akzeptanz einer technikgestüutzten Präventionsmaßnahme zur Bewegungsförderung Älterer

Toborg, M and Schnauber, J and Meyer, J and Boll, S and Koppelin, F; Gesundheitswesen; 2016

No Effects But Useful ? Long Term Use of Smart Health Devices

Meyer, Jochen and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne; Ubicomp/ISWC'16 Adjunct; 2016

Objektivierte Kontrolle kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktoren nach Myokardinfarkt mittels Cotinin-Bestimmungen, Schrittzählern und standardisierten Blutdruckmessungen: Risikofaktoren werden subjektiv unterschätzt

Wienbergen, H. and Backhaus, T. and Stehmeier, J. and Michel, S. and Krämer, K. and Bünger, S. and Meyer, J. and Meyer, S. and Baumbach, C. and Remppis, B. and Elsässer, A. and Hambrecht, R.; Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie; 2016

Promoting community readiness for physical activity among older adults in Germany – protocol of the ready to change intervention trial

Brand, Tilman and Gansefort, Dirk and Rothgang, Heinz and Röseler, Sabine and Meyer, Jochen and Zeeb, Hajo; BMC Public Health; 2016

Visualization of Complex Health Data on Mobile Devices

Meyer, Jochen and Kazakova, Anastasia and Büsing, Merlin and Boll, Susanne; MMHealth'16: Multimedia for personal health and health care Proceedings; 2016


A Smart Health Device to Measure Waist Circumfence

Meyer, Jochen and Schoormann, Timo and Wegmann, Daniel and Albuhasi, Ahmad; Proceedings of PervasiveHealth 2015; 5 / 2015

From Tracking to Personal Health

Boll, Susanne and Heuten, Wilko and Meyer, Jochen and Meyer, Jochen; interactions; 2015

Making Lifelogging Usable: Design Guidelines for Activity Trackers

Jochen Meyer and Jutta Fortmann and Merlin Wasmann and Wilko Heuten; Proceedings of 21st International Conference, MMM 2015; 1 / 2015

Measuring the Effect of Technology on Health Behavior – the Deep Data Study

Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of Workshop "Moving Beyond eHealth and Quantified Self" at CSCW; 4 / 2015



Acceptance of sensor networks by dementia patients

Wallbaum, Torben and Frenken, Melina and Meyer, Jochen and Hein, Andreas; 7 Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2014 (AAL 2014); 1 / 2014

Beyond quantified self: data for wellbeing

Meyer, Jochen and Simske, Steven and Siek, Katie A. and Gurrin, Cathal G. Gurrin and Hermens, Hermie; CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems; 2014

Digital Health Devices for Everyone!

Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne; Pervasive Computing; 4 / 2014

Interaktive Systeme für die persönliche Gesundheit

Boll, Susanne and Heuten, Wilko and Poppinga, Benjamin and Müller, Heiko and Fortmann, Jutta and Timmermann, Janko and Meyer, Jochen; Informatik-Spektrum; 6 / 2014

Smart Health Systems for Personal Health Action Plans

Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne; Proceedings of IEEE Healthcom; 10 / 2014

Technologies for wellbeing and healthy living. Perspectives and challenges

Meyer, Jochen; International Journal of Handheld Computing Research; 1 / 2014



A Novel ICT Approach to the Assessment of Mobility in Diverse Health Care Environments

Frenken, Thomas and Frenken, Melina and Gövercin, M. and Kiselev, J. and Meyer, Jochen and Wegely, S. and Hein, Andreas; CEWIT-TZI-acatech Workshop "ICT meets Medicine and Health" (ICTMH 2013); 04 / 2013

Fast Food - A quick-pick approach for a nutrition diary

Meyer, Jochen and Cakir Turgut, Elif and Feith, Tobias and Boll, Susanne; 11 / 2013

Gesunde Orte

Meyer, Jochen and Heuten, Wilko and Evers, Hauke and Boll, Susanne; Mensch & Computer 2013: Interaktive Vielfalt; 9 / 2013

Live Long and Prosper

Meyer, Jochen and Hein, Andreas; Journal of Medical Internet Research; 8 / 2013


Life Logging for the Heart: Assessing Health with Low Cost Consumer Devices

Jochen Meyer and Elif Cakir-Turgut and Wilko Heuten; Proceedings of SenseCam Symposium; 01 / 2012

Persuasive Self-Monitoring for Healthy Aging

Elif Cakir Turgut and Jochen Meyer and Martin Pielot and Janko Timmermann and Wilko Heuten; Proceedings of 5. Dt. AAL-Kongress 2012; 01 / 2012

Technologies for Well-Being: Opportunities and Challenges for HCI

Jochen Meyer and Susanne Boll and Young S. Lee and Oscar Mayora and Katie Siek and Carsten Röcker; Workshop on Designing for Wellness and Behavior Change; 01 / 2012

Wellness interventions and HCI: theory, practice, and technology

Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne and Lee, Young S. and Mayora, Oscar and Siek, Katie and Röcker, Carsten; SIGHIT Rec.; 01 / 2012


Distributed Personal Archives: Deriving Health Profiles from the Web

Meyer, Jochen and Poppinga, Benjamin; 04 / 2011

Potentials of Consumer Devices and Online Applications for the Prevention of Behavioral Diseases

Jochen Meyer and Elif Cakir-Turgut; INTERACT Workshop Promoting and Supporting Healthy Living by Design; 01 / 2011



A Mobile Robot for Self-selected Gait Velocity Assessments in Assistive Environments

Brell, Melina and Frenken, Thomas and Meyer, Jochen and Hein, Andreas; PETRA'10; 06 / 2010

Loccata -- Entwicklung eines mobilen Wanderführers im Montafon

Boll, Susanne and Wichmann, Daniel and Ahlers, Dirk and Meyer, Jochen and Rüf, Franz and ; mTourism -- Mobile Dienste im Tourismus; 06 / 2010

Selbstbestimmt im letzten Lebensjahr: AAL-Technologien im Kontext der End-of-Life-Care - Self-determined in the Last Year of One’s Life:Assisting Technologies for Domestic End-of-Life-Care

Frenken, T. and Baumgartner, H. and Scheve, Ch. and Meyer, J. and Ulbts, J. and Hein, A.; Ambient Assisted Living 2010; 01 / 2010

That was my Life - Creating Personal Chronicles at the End of Life

Sandhaus, Philipp and Baumgartner, Hannah and Meyer, Jochen and Boll, Susanne and ; 04 / 2010

The Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing (GAL) - Towards Interdisciplinary Research on ICT in Ageing Societies

Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Eichelberg, Marco and Appell, Jens-E. and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen and Bartsch, Christian and Bisitz, Thomas and Bitzer, Jörg and Blau, Matthias and Boll, Susanne and Buschermöhle, Michael and Büsching, Felix and Erdmann, Birte and Fachinger, Uwe and Felber, Jul; Informatics for Health and Social Care; 12 / 2010

Wellness 2.0 - Sharing Personal Health Experiences

Meyer, Jochen and Poppinga, Benjamin and Boll, Susanne; 04 / 2010



Stand und Entwicklung der IuK-Wirtschaft in Weser-Ems

Müller, Britta and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen and Meyer, Jochen; 01 / 2005



Der Mobile Persönliche Kommunikationsassistent: Ein Technologiedemonstrator des Niccimon-Projekts

Füllscher, Heiko and Thieme, Sabine and Baldzer, Jörg and Kopetzki, Sven and Krösche, Jens and Meyer, Jochen and Schaeffer, Michael and Schiek, Ulrich and Unruh, Claus and Wingbermühle, Jochen; Informationssysteme für mobile Anwendungen IMA 2002; 03 / 2004

Location-aware mobile multimedia applications on the Niccimon platform

Baldzer, Jörg and Boll, Susanne and Klante, Palle and Krösche, Jens and Meyer, Jochen and Rump, Norbert and Scherp, Ansgar and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen; 2. Braunschweiger Symposium - Informationssysteme für mobile Anwendungen; 10 / 2004



Potentials of pervasive computing in highly interactive workplaces

Rump, Norbert and Geramani, Konstantina and Baldzer, Jörg and Thieme, Sabine and Scherp, Ansgar and Krösche, Jens and Meyer, Jochen; 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications; 01 / 2003



A Practical Guideline to the Implementation of Online Shops

Bartelt, Andreas and Meyer, Jochen; Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems; 01 / 1999



Aufbau und Realisierung des MeDoc-Volltextspeichers

Haber, Cornelia and Meyer, Jochen and Weber, Ricarda; Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 13(3); 01 / 1998

Das MeDoc-System - ein elektronischer Publikations- und Nachweisdienst für die Informatik

Boles, Dietrich and Dreger, Markus and Großjohann, Kai and Haber, Cornelia and Kusserow, Andreas and Lohrum, Stefan and Menke, Dirk and Meyer, Jochen and Möller, Gerhard and Weber, Ricarda; Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 13(3); 01 / 1998

Design and Implementation of the MeDoc Fulltext System

Meyer, Jochen and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen; Digital Libraries in Computer Science: The MeDoc Approach, LNCS 1392; 01 / 1998

The MeDoc-System - A Digital Publication and Reference Service for Computer Science

Boles, Dietrich and Dreger, Markus and Großjohann, Kai and Haber, Cornelia and Kusserow, Andreas and Lohrum, Stefan and Menke, Dirk and Meyer, Jochen and Möller, Gerhard and Weber, Ricarda; Digital Libraries in Computer Science: The MeDoc Approach, LNCS 1392; 01 / 1998


von Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Meyer



Physical activity and health equity: primary prevention for healthy ageing

Laufzeit: 2015 - 2022



Bürgerfreundliche Dokumentenausfüllung basierend auf KI

Laufzeit: 2024 - 2024



Technische Unterstützung ambulanter Palliativversorgung

Laufzeit: 2012 - 2015


Soziale Interaktion für Palliativpatienten

Laufzeit: 2014 - 2017



DIGItal TechnOlogies for Participation and InterAction in Society - Digitale Technologien für Teilhabe und Interaktion an und mit Gesellschaft

Laufzeit: 2022 - 2025

Distributed Personal Archives

Aggregating Health Profiles from Distributed Personal Archives

Laufzeit: 2012 - 2014



Gemeinschaftsaufgaben im Rahmen des eLearning Academic Network Niedersachsen

Laufzeit: 2005 - 2006


Enhanced Network Accessibility for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Laufzeit: 2004 - 2007



Multi Purpose Robot for Ambient Assisted Living

Laufzeit: 2010 - 2013



Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services

Laufzeit: 2008 - 2012

Health Assistant

A platform for everyday-use towards a healthy and preventive lifestyle

Laufzeit: 2011 - 2011


Legitimierter Offener und Föderierter Gesundheitsdatenraum in GAIA X

Laufzeit: 2021 - 2024


Hören in der Kommunikationsgesellschaft

Laufzeit: 2004 - 2009



Interactive Media with Personal Networked Devices

Laufzeit: 2006 - 2010


Intelligentes Leben, Wohnen und Arbeiten im Alter

Laufzeit: 2005 - 2008



Location-Aware World Wide Web

Laufzeit: 2004 - 2009


Location-based and context-aware mobile multimodal hiking guide application

Laufzeit: 2006 - 2009


Making Sense

Making Sense of my own Health Data – a Citizen Science Approach to Personal Health Tracking

Laufzeit: 2023 - 2023


das Photoalbum auf dem Fernseher

Laufzeit: 2003 - 2005


Entwicklung eines telemedizinischen Versorgungsmodells für Demenzkranke in der häuslichen Umgebung

Laufzeit: 2012 - 2013



Forschungskooperation Nanu-Nana

Laufzeit: 2008 - 2009


ICT-fähige tragbare künstliche Niere und personalisiertes System zur Behandlung Nierenkranker

Laufzeit: 2010 - 2014


OLB Baufin

Nutzerzentrierte Konzeption und Implementierung eines Online-Baufinanzierungsberaters

Laufzeit: 2011 - 2011



Intelligente technische Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten in der häuslichen Versorgung für Menschen in ihrem letzten Lebensjahr

Laufzeit: 2009 - 2012


Plattform zur Analyse von Datennutzungsbedingungen interaktiver Assistenzsysteme

Laufzeit: 2020 - 2023


Professional Peer Environment Beyond Edge Computing

Laufzeit: 2006 - 2008


Portal Push Services

Laufzeit: 2005 - 2006


Prototypischer Betrieb allgemeiner Dokumente

Laufzeit: 2006 - 2008


Intelligente Designumgebung zur Konstruktion pneumatischer Schaltungen

Laufzeit: 1995 - 1997



Büro des Strategischen Beraterkreises Multimedia

Laufzeit: 2000 - 2006

Smart Diabetes 24/7

Diabetesmanagement für Jugendliche durch den Einsatz von Sensortechnologie

Laufzeit: 2019 - 2020



Transnational Ecological Network

Laufzeit: 1999 - 1999



Die digitale Gesundheitsbegleitung

Laufzeit: 2013 - 2015


Virtuelles Praktikum Gentechnik

Laufzeit: 2001 - 2003



Zugang zum Internet für Blinde

Laufzeit: 2000 - 2003