Sandra Drolshagen, M.Eng. Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

M.Eng. Sandra Drolshagen

+49 441 9722-713



OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

von Sandra Drolshagen, M.Eng.


Improving Work Skills in People with Disabilities in a Long-Term, In-Field Study on Robotic Tutors

Drolshagen, Sandra and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; International Journal of Social Robotics; October / 2024


Acceptance of Industrial Collaborative Robots by People With Disabilities in Sheltered Workshops

Sandra Drolshagen, Max Pfingsthorn, Pascal Gliesche, Andreas Hein; Frontiers in Robotic and AI; 02 / 2021


Kinesthetic Device vs. Keyboard/Mouse: A Comparison in Home Care Telemanipulation

Gliesche, Pascal and Krick, Tobias and Pfingsthorn, Max and Drolshagen, Sandra and Kowalski, Christian and Hein, Andreas; Frontiers in Robotics and AI; 11 / 2020

Mind the ARm: Realtime Visualization of Robot Motion Intent in Head-mounted Augmented Reality

Uwe Gruenefeld, Lars Prädel, Jannike Illing, Tim Stratmann, Sandra Drolshagen, Max Pfingsthorn; Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband; 2020


Erster Vergleich von Eingabegeräten für die Telemanipulation im Pflegekontext

Gliesche, Pascal and Pfingsthorn, Max and Kowalski, Christian and Drolshagen, Sandra and Krahn, Tobias and Hein, Andreas; Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz; 2019



A qualitative survey on challenges and use-cases for robotic assistants in nursing care

Gliesche, Pascal and Kowalski, Christian and Krahn, Tobias and Drolshagen, Sandra and Hein, Andreas and Pfingsthorn, Max; Robots for Assisted Living - IROS'2018 Workshop; 10 / 2018