Dr. Ing. Sven Rosinger Gruppenleiter "Energieeffiziente Smart Cities" im FuE-Bereich Energie, Principal Scientist

Dr. Ing. Sven Rosinger

Position im OFFIS

Gruppenleiter "Energieeffiziente Smart Cities" im FuE-Bereich Energie, Principal Scientist


Energie / Energieeffiziente Smart Cities


Smart City Technologien und Beratung, Energieeffizienz, Energetische Nachbarschaften, Energiedatenmanagement und -analyse, Energiesystemmodellierung, Geschäftsmodellentwicklung, Förderpolitk, Regulatorik
Dr.-Ing. Sven Rosinger studierte bis 2006 an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Informatik mit Schwerpunkt Eingebettete Systeme und schloss 2012 die Promotion ab.
Seit 2006 arbeitet er bei OFFIS – Institut für Informatik und ist in zahlreichen nationalen sowie europäischen Forschungsprojekten involviert. Seit Ende 2014 ist er Gruppenleiter der Smart Resource Integration-Gruppe im FuE-Bereich Energie.
Sven Rosinger ist nach IPMA Level C zertifizierter Projektmanager (GPM).

+49 441 9722-242



OFFIS - Institut für Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

von Dr. Ing. Sven Rosinger


1 Presentation of the “ENaQ” Energy Transition Lighthouse

Sven Rosinger and Steffen Wehkamp and Georg Blum; Innovations and challenges of the energy transition in smart city districts; 2024


Digitale Maschinen-Identitäten als Grundbaustein für ein automatisiertes Energiesystem - Aufbau eines Identitätsregisters auf Basis der Blockchain-Technologie (Pilot: Blockchain Machine Identity Ledger)

Sara Mamel, Linda Babilon, Philipp Richard, Moritz Schlösser, Fabian Seiter, Matthias Babel, Johannes Sedlmeir, Prof. Dr. Jens Strüker, Christian Wiethe, Dr. Marius Buchmann, Richard Hänsel, Dr. Ing. Sven Rosinger; September / 2022


Development of Scenarios for Modelling of Districts’ Energy Supply and Analysis of Interdependencies between Energy and ICT

Fernando Peñaherrera V., Henrik Wagner, Sarah Fayed, Oliver Werth, Stephan Ferenz, Jana Gerlach, Tobias Lege, Annika Ofenloch, Thomas Poppinga, Catharina Siemer, Michael Breitner, Bernd Engel, Lars Kühl, Sebastian Lehnhoff1, Astrid Nieße, Johannes Rolink, Sven Rosinger, and Frank Schuldt; Energy Informatics and Electro Mobility ICT; 2021

Development of Scenarios for Modelling of Districts’ Energy Supply and Analysis of Interdependencies between Energy and ICT

Fernando Peñaherrera V., Henrik Wagner, Sarah Fayed, Oliver Werth, Stephan Ferenz, Jana Gerlach, Tobias Lege, Annika Ofenloch, Thomas Poppinga, Catharina Siemer, Michael Breitner, Bernd Engel, Lars Kühl, Sebastian Lehnhoff1, Astrid Nieße, Johannes Rolink, Sven Rosinger, and Frank Schuldt; Energy Informatics and Electro Mobility ICT; March / 2021


M2DC - A Novel Heterogeneous Hyperscale Microserver Platform

Ariel Oleksiak, Micha vor dem Berge, Mario Porrmann, Sven Rosinger, Daniel Schlitt, Christian Pieper, Udo Janssen, Holm Rauchfuss, Giovanni Agosta, Joao Pita Costa, Thierry Goubier, Chris Adeniyi-Jones et. al.; Hardware Accelerators in Data Centers; August / 2018


Extending Energetic Potential of Data Centers to Participate in Smart Grid Networks

Alexander Borgerding, Sven Rosinger; International Conference on Smart Energy Research; September / 2017

M2DC: Modular Microserver Datacentre with Heterogeneous Hardware

Ariel Oleksiak, Michal Kierzynka, Wojciech Piatek, Micha Vor Dem Berge, Wolfgang Christmann, Stefan Krupop, Mario Porrmann, Jens Hagemeyer, René Griessl, Meysam Peykanu, Lennart Tigges, Sven Rosinger, Daniel Schlitt, Christian Pieper, Udo Janssen, Giovanni Agosta, Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari, Gerardo Pelosi, Mariano Cecowski, Robert Plestenjak, Justin Cinkelj, Loïc Cudennec, Thierry Goubier, Jean-Marc Philippe, Chris Adeniyi-Jones, Luca Ceva and Holm Rauchfuss; Microprocessors and Microsystems Volume 52; July / 2017


Data Centres for IoT Applications: the M2DC Approach

Ariel Oleksiak, Michal Kierzynka, Micha vor dem Berge, Wolfgang Christmann, Stefan Krupop, Mario Porrmann, Jens Hagemeyer, René Griessl,Meysam Peykanu, Lennart Tigges, Sven Rosinger, Daniel Schlitt, Christian Pieper, Udo Janssen, Giovanni Agosta, Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari, Gerardo Pelosi, Mariano Cecowski, Robert Plestenjak, Justin Činkelj, Cudennec, Loïc Thierry Goubier, Philippe, Jean-Marc Chris Adeniyi-Jones, Luca Ceva; Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS); 7 / 2016

The M2DC Project: Modular Microserver DataCentre

Sven Rosinger, Daniel Schlitt, Christian Pieper, Ariel Oleksiak, Michal Kierzynka,Giovanni Agosta, Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari, Gerardo Pelosi, Micha vor dem Berge, Wolfgang Christmann, Stefan Krupop, Mariano Cecowski, Robert Plestenjak, Justin Cˇ inkelj, Mario Porrmann, Jens Hagemeyer, Ren´e Griessl,Meysam Peykanu, Lennart Tigges, Lo¨ıc Cudennec, Thierry Goubier, Jean-Marc Philippe, Udo Janssen, Chris Adeniyi-Jones; Proceedings of the 19th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design; 8 / 2016



Ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung eines Powermodells von Xilinx MicroBlaze MPSoCs zur Verwendung in Virtuellen Plattformen

Sören Schreiner and Kim Grüttner and Sven Rosinger and Wolfgang Nebel; 18. Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen (MBMV 2015) ; 3 / 2015

Energetic Neighborhoods – Local Implementation of the Hybrid Grid Concept

Arno Claassen, Jürgen Knies, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Christoph Mayer, Sebastian Rohjans, Sven Rosinger; Smarter Europe 2015 conference proceedings ; 2 / 2015



Autonomous flight control meets custom payload processing: A mixed-critical avionics architecture approach for civilian UAVs

Sören Schreiner and Kim Grüttner and Sven Rosinger; Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Workshop on Self-Organizing Real-Time Systems; 6 / 2014

MotorBrain: Model-Based Design and Virtual Integration of an Intelligent and Safe Electrical Powertrain

Sven Rosinger, Maher Fakih and Jörg Walter; University Booth at DATE 2014; 03 / 2014



The COMPLEX reference framework for HW/SW Co-Design and Power Management Supporting Platform-Based Design-Space Exploration

Gruettner, Kim and Hartmann, Philip A. and Hylla, Kai and Rosinger, Sven and Nebel, Wolfgang and Herrera, F. and Villar, E. and Brandolese, C. and Formaciari, W. and Palermo, G. and Ykman-Couvreur, C. and Quagila, D. and Ferrero, F. and Valencia, R.; Microprocessors and Microsystems; 09 / 2013


COMPLEX - COdesign and power Management in PLatform-based design space EXploration

Grüttner, Kim and Hartmann, Philipp A. and Hylla, Kai and Rosinger, Sven and Nebel, Wolfgang and Herrera, Fernando: Villar, Eugenio and Brandolese, Carlo and Fornaciari, William and Palermo, Gianluca and Ykman-Couvreur, Chantal and Quaglia, Davide and Ferrero, Francisco and Valencia, Raul; 09 / 2012

High Level Thermal Estimation Flow

Rosinger, Sven; 07 / 2012

Phase space based NBTI model

Eilers, Reef and Metzdorf, Malte and Rosinger, Sven and Helms, Domenik and Nebel, Wolfgang; 09 / 2012

Rapid Prototyping of Complex HW/SW Systems using a Timing and Power Aware ESL Framework

Grüttner, Kim and Hylla, Kai and Rosinger, Sven and Nebel, Wolfgang; System Specification and Design Languages - Selected Contributions from FDL 2010; 01 / 2012

Sleep-Transistor Based Power-Gating Tradeoff Analyses

Rosinger, Sven and Nebel, Wolfgang; 09 / 2012



Behavioral-Level Thermal- and Aging-Estimation Flow

Rosinger, Sven and Metzdorf, Malte and Helms, Domenik and Nebel, Wolfgang; Test Workshop (LATW), 2011 12th Latin American; 3 / 2011

Enabling Timing and Power Aware Virtual Prototyping of HW/SW Systems

Grüttner, Kim and Hylla, Kai and Rosinger, Sven and Hartmann, Philipp A. and Nebel, Wolfgang; 03 / 2011



Towards an ESL Framework for Timing and Power Aware Rapid Prototyping of HW/SW Systems

Grüttner, Kim and Hylla, Kai and Rosinger, Sven and Nebel, Wolfgang; 09 / 2010



Power Management Aware Low Leakage Behavioural Synthesis

Rosinger, S. and Schröder, K. and Nebel, W.; Proceedings of the 12th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design; 01 / 2009

RTL Power Modeling and Estimation of Sleep Transistor based Power Gating

Rosinger, Sven and Helms, Domenik and Nebel, Wolfgang; Journal of Embedded Computing Power Gating; 09 / 2009



RT Level Makro Modelling of Leakage and Delay under Realistic PTV Variation

Helms, Domenik and Hoyer, Marko and Rosinger, Sven and Nebel, Wolfgang; Proceedings of LPonTR; 05 / 2008



RTL Power Modeling and Estimation of Sleep Transistor based Power Gating

Rosinger, Sven and Helms, Domenik and Nebel, Wolfgang; proceeding in PATMOS_2007; 01 / 2007


von Dr. Ing. Sven Rosinger


Alpha Ventus

Data-Warehouse-System für die Messdaten des Offshore Windparks alpha ventus

Laufzeit: 2007 - 2015



Blockchain Machine ID Ledger

Laufzeit: 2020 - 2021



A Framework for User Centred Privacy and Security in the Cloud

Laufzeit: 2015 - 2017



Energetisches Nachbarschaftsquartier Fliegerhorst Oldenburg

Laufzeit: 2018 - 2023



Modular Microserver DataCentre

Laufzeit: 2016 - 2019


Micro-Architectural Power Management: Methoden, Algorithmen und prototypische Werkzeuge

Laufzeit: 2006 - 2008



Transformation des Energiesystems Niedersachsen

Laufzeit: 2024 - 2029


Modeling, Control and Management of Thermal Effects in Electronic Circuits of the Future

Laufzeit: 2010 - 2013