CESAR Cost-Efficient Methods and Processes for Safety Relevant Embedded Systems


Trotz steigender Komplexität eingebetteter, sicherheitskritischer Systeme und zunehmender Vielfalt von Regulierungsbestimmungen müssen Kosten gesenkt, Performanz gesteigert und Time-to-Market verkürzt werden. CESAR wird daher signifikante Innovationen in den folgenden zwei Systementwicklungdiziplinen bereitstellen: (1) Requirements Engineering - Fortschritt wird hier insbesondere durch eine formalisierte Anforderungssprache erwartet; (2) komponentenbasierte Entwicklung - angewendet in einem Entwicklungsprozess basierend auf einer umfassenden Entwurfsraumexploration unter Ausnutzung unterschiedlicher Sichten und Kriterien (multi-view/multi-criteria) zur Architekturbewertung. Unterstützt wird der Entwicklungsprozess durch die Schaffung und Etablierung als de-facto Standard der zukünftigen Europäischen "Reference Technology Platform" für die Entwicklung sicherheitskritischer eingebetteter Systeme.

Meta-models in Europe: Languages, Tools, and Applications

Roberto Passerone and Imene Ben Hafaiedh and Albert Benveniste and Daniela Cancila and Arnaud Cuccuru and Werner Damm and Alberto Ferrari and Sébastien Gérard and Susanne Graf and Bernhard Josko and Leonardo Mangeruca and Thomas Peikenkamp and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Francois Terrier; IEEE Design & Test of Computers; 2009

CESAR - Cost-Efficient Methods and Processes for Safety Relevant Embedded Systems

Griessnig, Gerhard and Mader, Roland and Peikenkamp, Thomas and Josko, Bernhard and Törngren, Martin and Armengaud, Eric; Proceedings Embedded World Conference 2010; 003 / 2010

A model-based design methodology with contracts to enhance the development process of safety-critical systems

Baumgart, Andreas and Reinkemeier, Philipp and Rettberg, Achim and Stierand, Ingo and Thaden, Eike and Weber, Raphael; Proceedings of the 8th IFIP International Conference on Software Technologies for embedded and ubiquitous Systems (SEUS); 10 / 2010

Using Contract-based Component Specifications for Virtual Integration Testing and Architecture Design

Damm, Werner and Hungar, Hardi and Josko, Bernhard and Peikenkamp, Thomas and Stierand, Ingo and ; 003 / 2011

Model-based Toolchain for the Efficient Development of Safety-Relevant Automotive Embedded Systems

Armengaud, Eric and Zoier, Markus and Baumgart, Andreas and Biehl Matthias and Chen, DeJiu and Griessnig, Gerhard and Hein, Christian and Ritter, Tom and T. Kolagari, Ramin; 004 / 2011

A pattern-based requirement specification language: Mapping automotive specific timing requirements

Reinkemeier, Philipp and Stierand, Ingo and Rehkop, Philip and Henkler, Stefan; Software Engineering 2011 Workshopband; 005 / 2011

Supporting Qualification - Safety Standard Compliant Process Planning and Monitoring

Jost, Henning and Köhler, Silke and Häusler, Stefan and Gacnik, Jan and Hahn, Axel and Köster, Frank and Lemmer, Karsten; 10 / 2010

Modellbasiertes Produktqualitätscontrolling

Häusler, Stefan and Hahn, Axel; Anforderungsmanagement in der Produktentwicklung; 009 / 2011

A Reference Technology Platform with Common Interfaces for Distributed Heterogeneous Data

Baumgart, Andreas and Ellen, Christian and Oertel, Markus and Rehkop, Philip and Farfeleder, Stefan and Schulz, Stefan; Proceedings of the of the Embedded World 2012 Exhibition and Conference; 003 / 2012

Architecture Modeling

Andreas Baumgart, Eckard Böde, Matthias Büker, Werner Damm, Günter Ehmen, Tayfun Gezgin, Stefan Henkler, Hardi Hungar, Bernhard Josko, Markus Oertel, Thomas Peikenkamp, Philipp Reinkemeier, Ingo Stierand, Raphael Weber; 03 / 2011

Automatic Transition Between Structural System Views in a Safety Relevant Embedded Systems Development Process

Ellen, Christian and Etzien Christoph and Oertel, Markus; Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe; 003 / 2012

Integrated tool-chain for improving traceability during the development of automotive systems

E. Armengaud and M. Biehl and Q. Bourrouilh and M. Breunig and S. Farfeleder and C. Hein and M. Oertel and A. Wallner and M. Zoier; Proceedings of the 2012 Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Conference; 001 / 2012

A multi-domain platform of safety process methods and tools for critical embedded systems

Jean paul Blanquart and Eric Armengaud and Quentin Bourrouilh and Joseph Machrouh and Andreas Mitschke and Markus Oertel and Thomas Peikenkamp and Tormod Wien; Proceedings of the 2012 Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Conference; 001 / 2012

Interoperable Requirements Engineering: Tool Independent Specification, Validation and Impact Analysis

Markus Oertel and Bernhard Josko; Proceedings of the of the Embedded World 2012 Exhibition and Conference; 001 / 2012

Requirements Engineering

Oertel, Markus and Malot, Marc and Baumgart, Andreas and Becker, Jan Steffen and Bogusch, Ralf and Farfeleder, Stefan and Gerber, Nora and Haugen, Oystein and Häusler, Stefan and Josko, Bernhard and others; CESAR-Cost-efficient Methods and Processes for Safety-relevant Embedded Systems; 2013

CESAR - Cost-efficient Methods and Processes for Safety-relevant Embedded Systems

Oertel, Markus and Josko, Bernhard and CESAR Consortium; 03 / 2013


Start: 01.03.2009
Ende: 29.02.2012

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Speculative and Exploratory Design in Systems Engineering