"If You Don't Feel Guilty, You Won't Take Responsibility" - Co-Speculating on Digital Technologies That Encourage Sustainable Consumption

Yu, Tong and Shakeri, Gözel and Koelle, Marion
Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
The production and use of goods and services contribute significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, individual consumption patterns are crucial for reducing carbon emissions. To address consumerism and overconsumption, this paper explores digital technologies that discourage consumption and encourage users to make sustainable shopping decisions. We created a design workbook consisting of 12 concepts that take different approaches to promoting less consumption. We used the design workbook to co-speculate with 14 environmental sustainability advocates on the acceptability of the design proposals. The results offer new insights into the various feelings evoked by design for sustainable consumption that influence acceptance. Negative feelings, such as powerlessness, imply rejection, while positive ones, like encouragement, suggest acceptance. We suggest directions in design for sustainable consumption, such as carefully including certain negative feelings, such as guilt, and addressing psychological needs, which could lead to more acceptable digital technology design.
October / 2024
Association for Computing Machinery
NordiCHI '24
DIGItal TechnOlogies for Participation and InterAction in Society - Digitale Technologien für Teilhabe und Interaktion an und mit Gesellschaft