The COMPLEX ESL Framework for Timing and Power Aware Rapid Prototyping of HW/SW Systems - ET12 Early Timing and Power Information of Complex SoC Designs using Augmented Virtual Platforms

Grüttner, Kim
Consideration of an embedded system’s timing behavior and power consumption at system-level is an ambitious task. Sophisticated tools and techniques exist for power and timing estimations of individual components such as custom hard and software as well as IP components. But prediction of the composed system behavior can hardly be made.In this session we present the concept of an ESL framework for timing and power aware rapid virtual system prototyping of embedded HW/SW systems. Our proposed flow combines system-level timing and power estimation techniques available in commercial tools with platform-based rapid prototyping. Our proposal aims at the generation of executable virtual prototypes from a functional C/C++ specification. These prototypes are enriched by static and dynamic power values as well as execution times. They allow a trade-off between different platforms, mapping alternatives, and optimization techniques, based on domain-specific workload scenarios. The proposed flow will be implemented in the COMPLEX FP7 European integrated project (
03 / 2011
COdesign and power Management in PLatform-based design space EXploration